Loaded Gun Part 1

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Loaded Gun Part 1

My first thought when I saw the gun was: Fucking hell, he has a gun! 

Heart lodged in my chest, I slowly raised my hands in surrender and stepped away from the door. Well of course he had a gun; he was a security guard in one of the world's most dangerous prisons. Why wouldn't he have a gun? Except where had he hidden it? 

I stared down the black barrel of death, and for a moment, I imagined what it would be like to be shot right here in this room inside a prison miles and miles from home. I'd make international headlines for sure. Another chill gripped my spine in an icy fist, but this one wouldn't let go.

With his gun, Kevin motioned for me to step closer to where the other guy was still writhing and groaning on the floor, clutching at his broken arm. I reluctantly obliged, not that there was much of a choice. As I did, I never took my eyes off the gun.

"I have to say your little karate dance surprised me." Kevin beamed, much to my alarm. The fact that he didn't appear angered by my act of aggression was alarming rather than it being a point of comfort. I scanned him from head to toe for any signs that my kick had injured him, but if there were any, he made a pretty damn good job of hiding them.

I should have broken your arm too. Rather, it's your arm I should have broken.

But one only had the element of surprise for so long, and that kick should have immobilized him for a little longer than ten fucking seconds. Kevin was stronger than I gave him credit for. I was now forced to regard him in a new light, when all I wanted to do was never look upon the sight of his wretched face and unnerving smirk ever again. 

"I think I did a little more than that." I said and nodded at the writhing guy, feigning bravado. Inwardly, I was a mess. My heart beat a chaotic rhythm in my chest and blood rushed in my ears, nearly drowning out the sound of my own thoughts.

It was all I could do not to give in to the fear, fall to my knees and beg for mercy. This was the first time in my uneventful life that I had a gun pointed at me after all. I honestly thought I was acting very well so far, given the circumstances. 

Kevin chuckled. "Yes, indeed you did. You even knocked out poor Micky over here." Without even sparing him a single glance, Kevin kicked Micky' s leg, who did not stir. 

Once glance confirmed to me that 'Poor' Micky was indeed passed out cold on the concrete floor. 

Good, so two of the three were out of the picture. This only left Kevin - and his loaded gun.

As if reading my mind, Kevin's smirk turned to a full-fledged grin. "Oh, like I'd be that easy to get rid of." 

Damn, he was shrewd too. My hands tightened into fists of their own accord. I abruptly decided to change tactics. 

Taking a deep breath, I began, doing my best to keep my voice from shaking, "You don't have to do this. I registered my name at the reception. They're going to come looking for me any time now, and they're bound to find us here eventually." 

"Not until this riot ends, and you can trust me when I tell you that these things take a long, long time to get wrapped up. By then, you and I would have finished." 

The words "You and I would have finished" echoed in my head like a curse and my throat closed up in reaction. 

I inhaled, held my breath, and exhaled. It did nothing to calm my erratic heartbeat or my raging thoughts. 

"The cameras-" 

"What, you think I'm the only corrupt guard here? They'll wipe the footage and all evidence of this little liaison of ours will be as if it never happened. Heck, they'll probably enjoy the show before they get rid of the evidence. No one will believe you.

I unconsciously bit my lower lip as I struggled to find another way to persuade him. Were his outrageous claims true? I peered into his narrowed eyes, saw the confidence in them, and ultimately concluded that they were. He was no idiot; he wouldn't risk becoming an inmate himself.  No, he was a diabolical genius. He'd made me fall into the illusion that the cameras offered me security, only for them to be manned by those who were like him: complete and utter degenerates. 

What kind of hellhole had I unknowingly walked into? 

"Besides, in a riot anything can happen. Even if you talked, they'd think it were some of the escaped inmates running around that got to you. It would be my word against yours, and my buddies up at the guards room will testify to me being there the whole time." 

As he spoke, the blood drained from my face. I was forced to acknowledge that he was right.  Had he really orchestrated and thought this through when he first saw me a few hours ago, or was this something he did often to other unsuspecting lawyers? 

"I have money," No, I didn't, but he didn't know that. "Just let me go and I won't open my mouth about a thing." 

Kevin lowered the gun. 

Did he fall for my- 

"I'd rather fuck you, but thanks for the offer."

Involuntarily, I took a step back as if I had been struck. 

A new fear began to unfurl in my gut and poison my blood. My fisted hands began to shake at my sides. Noticing this, Kevin's grin widened, revealing his sadistic, disturbing nature. 

"You can't be serious...!" I breathed, petrified. I was rooted to the spot. A cold sweat broke all over my body. 

I once encountered a mountain lion on a hiking trip when I wandered off to take a leak. Faced with the graceful, deadly killing machine, I thought that that was the most afraid I'd ever been in my entire life. Looking at Kevin, I now knew I was wrong. This was by far the most afraid I'd ever been. 

"Yes I am. Now as much as you look good in a suit, take it off.

The thought of resorting to begging and pleading occurred to me. Did I have a choice? 

No, if I'm to die, then I'd at least die with my dignity intact. The voice of pride erupted in my skull in a glorious roar, rattling it. 

Well, we won't have much dignity left once he's done with us. Another voice quipped in shakingly. 

Kevin approached menacingly, backing me into the wall at the far end of the room. I spotted the hole in my peripheral, the one leading into the other room. It was right next to me. 

Another idea flashed in my mind, one that was not unappealing and abhorrent to my machismo. Well, not completely anyway. 

Would I fit? 


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter; I had to stop writing but since I already promised a chapter tonight, here it is. The next part gets real R-rated eeeeek. I'll aim to upload it in a couple of days by the latest. 

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