Escaped Convict

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Warning: This chapter contains mature content.

Escaped Convict

Once I thought I was as far away from Schneider as possible, I emerged onto the beach, sputtering and coughing out the water I'd accidentally swallowed. Wiping my face with a shaking hand (whether shaking from fear or the exhaustion of a prolonged, frantic swim, I wasn't sure), I swiveled in a circle, looking around me for any sign of pewter gray eyes. I was desperate to know if I was in the clear.

There appeared to be no sign of Schneider on this side of the island. As soon as I confirmed that Schneider was nowhere in the vicinity, I decided to get off the beach ASAP.

My initial -and nonsensical- plan was to swim to the shore in the distance. Of course, it didn't take long to realize how foolish and impossible that was, at least for me. I was no Olympic swimmer; this was by far the longest swim of my life. And the most terrifying.

As I had cut through the water like a flailing fish, I'd been absolutely terrified that Schneider was going to dive in after me and prevent me from escaping. My heart had pounded so painfully against my oxygen-filled lungs that I thought I'd lose my held breath, or have a heart attack and die in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, sinking to the bottom of the ocean as food for the fish.

By some miracle, I hadn't died and I'd succeeded in navigating to the other side of the island just where the beach ended and the cliffs began.

The sand in this part of the beach wasn't as fine as it was in the part I'd escaped. It was coarse and filled with seashells and ocean debris. Carefully, I avoided stepping on anything particularly pointy, very much aware of my bare feet. A red crab waded near me, stopped when he was close, clicked his pincers at me as if in warning, and then slowly scuttled away, leaving behind a small trail. I watched it go and briefly wondered if I should grab it and stash it for later when I got hungry.

I eyed the sharp-looking pincers warily. Yeah, maybe not. The last thing I wanted to do was to sustain an injury while I was on the run.

Besides, I hated seafood. I was bound to find some fruits or vegetables in the forest, wasn't I?

A dense forest stretched before me. From here, there was no sign of the prison building or its fence.

I knew they were going to sound the alarm soon and start looking for me. They definitely would, especially once Schneider ran back and told them that I'd escaped him, the mighty King.

My God, what am I doing?

This particular thought had occurred to me persistently like a cursed mantra while I was struggling to swim away as fast as I could. Yet the desire to get away from Schneider somehow triumphed over common sense. I just knew that with him constantly near me as my self-declared protector, I would never get to the bottom of who gave me that cryptic note alleging that I'd been set up by someone, and who that someone was.

But sooner rather than later, one had to face common sense.

It wouldn't take them long to find me once the search started. After all, we were on a goddamn island. As soon as word got out that I'd escaped, the alarms would sound and guards would be sent to find me. I wondered if the prison had guard pitbulls. Now that would be the cherry on top of this shit cake.

"What the fuck am I doing?"

Indeed, what the fuck was I doing? Sure, staying near Schneider would have hindered my plan to discover the note's truthfulness and find whoever supposedly set me up, but how was I going to accomplish this from the other side of the island?

Maybe I should have aimed for the faraway shore or died trying after all, because it seemed like I was going to die anyway. I'd finally given those bastard guards the reason they'd all been waiting for. Not even Schneider's protection could save me this time.

"Fuck, I really should have thought this through," I grunted miserably.

Was it too late to go back?

I imagined what Schneider would do to me if I went back to him after what I'd just pulled and immediately decided that I was better off dying at the hands of vengeful guards and bloodthirsty pitbulls.


Cade's P.O.V

I grunted as I pumped my huge cock deep into the boy's hole; I was now very close to sweet, sweet release. His insides were already filled to the brim with my white, thick cum, so every thrust of my cock made some of it squirt out from around the swollen pink edges.

God, I loved the sight of an abused, gaping asshole.

Just so I could see his gaping asshole one last time before cumming, I thrust deep and then I slowly pulled out, gaping it. With his anus wide open, I could see my cum pooled inside. A shiver raked my spine; it was all I could do not to cum from just the sight. But I wasn't done having fun just yet.

I beckoned the other boy whose asshole I'd been diligently rimming while he lay on top of the one I was fucking, ass raised high. I couldn't be bothered to keep names, so I referred to them as Fucktoy #1 and Fucktoy #2.

Fucktoy#2 immediately obliged, coming to stand beside me with beseeching, twinkling eyes and a swollen mouth that begged to be fucked. I instructed him to kneel in front of Fucktoy#1's ass, and then shoved Fucktoy#2's face into Fucktoy#1's behind.

I ordered, "Drink my cum from his ass."

He obeyed instantly and began to suck the thick cum out of the ass offered to him as if he were parched.

My phone rang -it was Schneider's ringtone. I immediately went to the bunk bed where I'd tossed it with the rest of my clothes and picked it up.

"I need you to go to the camera room."

Frowning that his playtime had been interrupted, he asked, "Why?"

"He escaped."

"You're kidding."

Like a rumbling dragon, Schneider growled.

He wasn't kidding.

"Should I tell the guards to start searching?"

"No guards."


"No guards!"

I sighed. "Alright, I'm on it."

"Tell me exactly where he is, and keep me informed if he moves." Schneider hung up.

When he started to get dressed, his beloved fucktoys looked at him with glaring disappointment in their eyes.

"You're leaving?" Fucktoy#1 whined, clearly disappointed that I hadn't made him cum a third time -or was it fourth?

"Duty calls. You boys have fun." 

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