Rough Foreplay

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The next chapter is already up on Ritoria!

Warning: This chapter contains mature content.

Rough Foreplay

I threw back my head and cried out. Schneider had bitten my nipple hard enough to probably draw blood, and it occured to me that he was branding me. That he was staking his claim on my person for anyone to see.

Schneider proceeded to suck on my abused nipple like it had never been sucked before.

I was experiencing a lot of firsts today.

He suckled from my tit like a starved man, and the wet pressure somewhat soothed the pain of the bite. Fiery heat surged through my blood like the sweetest, hottest of poisons, stimulating every cell and nerve ending. Sweat rolled down my face and neck and beaded on my chest; it was like I was being cooked alive. I started to wish Schneider had ripped open the bottom half of the jumpsuit too; my constricted cock felt like it was about to pierce a hole through the font.

Somewhere between being distraught and titillated, I reached up and gripped Schneider by the shoulders, needing something to anchor me, to hold on to.

Abruptly, I became aware of the shameful sounds I was carelessly letting out without a care for anyone who might be listening.

Oh, we had to be putting on quite a show.

But I couldn't control my moans and groans anymore than I could control my growing erection.

"Fuck!" I blurted, aware that Schneider had done nothing more than kiss me and suck a single nipple, yet I was already like this.

I so wanted to reach down and free my cock from its constraints, but I was terrified of what Schneider might think of me. Was he going to think that I was a wanton whore? A greedy slut? A remorseless harlot?

As if reading my mind, Schneider looked like he was about to do me a favor and free my cock, reaching down his hand. My eagerness skyrocketed as I began anticipating... well, something. But then he grabbed it instead, his hand tightening around it like an iron band. I yelped as a bolt of lightning shot down my spine, deliciously electrifying. Stunned, I looked down at the hand holding me in its mercy with wide eyes.

"You owe me another apology." Schneider said. Our eyes met and I saw that he was dead serious.

Finally, I regained my voice, but there was a noticeable tremor to it. "An... a-apology?"

His hand around my cock tightened and I flinched, biting down on a gasp.

Clearly he wasn't satisfied with my first, meek apology.

"Tell me you're sorry for running away."

"I'm... I'm sorry for running away and putting you in a bad spot." I really was, and he needn't have held my cock hostage to extract that out of me. Especially now that I knew my actions had reflected poorly on Schneider. And then more sincerely, I said, "I'm sorry. I was... scared."

A few seconds passed, filled only by the sound of my thundering heart. Schneider's thunderous gaze slowly softened, and it was like a storm dissipating. His grip on my cock eased.

"Of me?"

"Yes." What good would lying and denying do me now? It wasn't like this was news, anyway. The entire prison population was scared of Schneider. Well, they had been until I came along and tarnished his reputation. God, the things they could be saying about him now filled my gut with guilt and dread to overflowing. They were probably saying things like how powerless to watch over a lousy new inmate he was, and how he was easily fooled, and was made to look like an idiot by a nobody.

"Why?" Was that torment I saw in the dark specs of Schneider's eyes, or was my mind playing tricks on me?

I blinked dumbly at him, surprised by the question. "What do you mean 'why'? You're terrifying." I admitted truthfully. Again, there was no sense bullshitting him. In my current position, he'd know I was lying in a heartbeat, would probably hear it from how loud my heart was racing. Schneider had me by the balls, literally.

"You say that, but I haven't done anything to you to warrant the label," he argued, seemingly offended. I imagined someone else in his shoes would beam at the accusation, rather taking it as the highest of compliments. But Schneider was proving to be nothing like I'd imagined him to be. And I was starting to realize just how severely I'd misjudged him.

"It's not what you've done, but what you're capable of," I told him, remembering how I'd almost immediately assumed that he was the person the note was warning me about because of his position, his power, his influence and his obvious cunning.

I'd already been set up once, why wouldn't it happen again? It wasn't out of the realm of possibility that this was all some large, twisted scheme, and someone like Schneider was more than capable of pulling something like this if he wanted to.

I realized now just how far off the mark I was. Schneider had truly and seriously taken on the role of my protector, and had gone above and beyond to keep me sane and safe when he had no obligation to do so. Saving me from the guards, giving me much more than regular prison amenities and regular prison food, allowing me to see the ocean once again, and then not beating me to death for running away and risking his reputation.

"What I'm capable of, huh?" Schneider looked away and his expression grew shuttered, and his body grew cold.

He was going to pull away, I just knew it. But... I didn't want him to. By now, I was addicted to the 'heat' he'd inflicted on me, and wanted to know just how much more heat he had to offer me.

I opened and closed my mouth as I struggled to find something to say to him and appease him, but there was no coming back from what I'd confessed. I'd essentially killed the mood.

Or maybe not.

When Schneider looked down at me again, I saw something new in his eyes. Determination. He was determined, but to do what exactly?

"Then let me show you the other things I'm capable of."

"The... other things you're capable of?" I wondered out loud, my brows drawn together in speculation.

He released my cock only to pull down the jumpsuit, and it sprang to attention, and for a moment I thought my hard member would salute Schneider. Precum was already dribbling down the sides.

Now, when Schneider wrapped his hands around it, the contact of hot skin on hot flesh nearly made me cry out in pained ecstacy.

Fuck. I was already halfway to the breaking point from just some rough foreplay.

"I'm going to show you that I'm capable of love too." A dangerous smirk spread across Schneider's handsome face. He started to unbutton his shirt, exposing inch by inch of his chiseled chest.

My heart rate turned critical as I watched him shrug off the shirt and expose a jaw-dropping body sculpted from hard marble by angels and forged in the fiery bowels of hell. 


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