Class Project

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America's POV

"You arrre Gerrrmany's frrriend, too, da?"

I looked up from my messy notes to see the looming figure of Russia standing over me. A shiver went down my spine as our vast height differences suddenly made him seem a few extra feet taller. A shadow was cast across his face from his hat and his position in the room, making him seem like he is about to murder or kick my ass.

"Uhhh, yeah-yeah why?" I sat back and shook off my nervous feeling. Fricken scary ass motherfucker.

"Do you know how he feels about Poland?" Russia sat down in the desk across from me, even though someone else normally sat there.

"Oh geez man, have you been living under a rock or something?" I scoffed and felt most of my confidence return when he sat down and looked less intimidating. Plus the fact that he doesn't know one of the most obvious things ever.

"Niet, I don't pay attention to silly zings such as zis."

"Of course you don't." I flatly responded but quickly added, before he could interrupt me, "I'll tell you what I know if you answer my questions first."

Russia glared at me, a scowl twitching at the corner of his mouth. I gave him my favorite smug smile when I took this as a yes.

"Sooo, Russia~," I leaned towards him in my desk and flirtatiously asked, "Are you single?~"

His eyes widened a little, my question clearly catching him off guard. I held back a laugh and kept my suggesting expression as I looked at him right in the eyes. I had to, just in case, he moved to punch me.

"Da. My turrrn, " Russia hurriedly said, looking away from me. I breathed out a sigh of relief when he didn't punch me. It's fun doing that to people, but it can come with un-fun consequences.

"Do you know how Gerrrmany feels about Poland?"

I nodded, then said, "if we are taking turns, I'd like to ask you something, too. What was with the whole wheelbarrow thing?"

"Ukrraine said niet ask. So don't."

"That's not an answer, buddy boy."


We both looked up in front of us and seen the teacher standing there, her foot tapping impatiently.

"America and Russia, since you both were unable to hear my directions, you now have to be partnered together."

"Wait, what?" I asked, realizing then and there that our entire class was grouped into pairs of two. We must've not heard everything that was going on.

"For your science project, the one I had discussed last class. You two didn't choose a partner, so now you're working together."

With that, she spun on her heels and went to the other groups.

Great, now I gotta work with this silent scary weirdo? I thought this one conversation would be our only one. And this project, this stupid long-ass project, I gotta seem him how many more times now?

"Shit." Russia voiced my thoughts.

"Ahh, don't say that I'm a joy to work with." I joked, playfully punching his arm. He didn't appreciate my sense of humor cause he punched me back, but not as light as I did.

I groaned and rubbed my arm and scowled at him. "What's your deal, dude? I'm just trying to keep the mood lightened, tryna be funny."

"You punched me, I punched you. I found zat funny, zank you." Russia made his own joke, one that I found no humor in.

"Whatever. You never answered my question."

"What arrre ve doing prrroject on?" He ignored what I said again and took my notebook off of my desk. He must've been trying to grab my notes, but he grabbed the wrong notebook. I quickly snatched my book back, startling him and myself.

"Wrong notebook," Was all I said as I kept a death grip on the book. My gaze was kept down, not that he could tell with my sunglasses, and I tried to act normal. But Russia was there, keeping his eyes on me for a few seconds longer than I'd like. Then he grabbed my actual notes and starting flipping through them.

I set my book down on my desk and relaxed a little. No one can ever open that book, no one. I only keep it with me just so I always know where it is at all times. I don't want to think about what would happen if someone saw those pages...

"What prrroject on?" Russia asked again, not bothering to acknowledge anything I just did. Thank God.


"So now I'm stuck working with the fragger." I vented to Germany as I slammed my locker shut. He looked at me with head tilted slightly if not understanding why I was upset. That's when I remembered he was actually friends/ acquaintances with Russia. Their dads hated each other, so they never really got to talk much. Now they do, I had noticed, though.

"I don't get it. Vy is zat zuch ein pad sing?"

"Well, your biased because you're friends with the dude." I lead the way down the hall to the exit. School was over with, thank the Lord, and everyone was heading home. "Besides, your not the one going over to his house."

"His houze is nice, zough." Germany tried to cheer me up. It didn't work, obviously, but the effort was comforting. "Und zee country can pe ein great guy, once vu get to know him."

"Oh yeah, he was asking about you and Poland earlier, too."

"Vait, vat? Vat did vu tell him, blease tell me vu didn't zay hanything to him!" He grabbed my shirt and held me up close to his face in a panic.

"Geez man, don't worry I didn't say nothun'." I pried him off of me, holding my hand over my heart. God, he fricken scared me.

Germany sighed in relief and nodded. "Blease, can vu not? He's friends vith Poland, I don't vant Ruzia telling him."

"Alright, alright, I won't." A thought came to mind. Russia was friends with Poland. I'm going to Russia's house. I can ask him about Poland. He could tell me. I can finally set these two idiots up, fuck yes!

"Uhh, America? Vu haffe zat smile akain."

"What smile?" I looked to him, raising an eyebrow. Germany looked at me nervously, like I had spoken my thoughts out loud and knew my entire plan now.

"Zee smile vu alvays make ven vu are apout to do zomething hincretibly sdubid."

"Well buddy, " I patted him on the back and he leaned forward a little bit from my small force. "Just trust me."

Germany pushed up his glasses. "Zat's vat I vas afraid vu vere koing to zay."

((Eh, short and to the point I guess. Okay, just for the future, when a country is speaking in another language, should I include the translation in parenthesis or just leave you to plug it into Google translate?))

Ësgöge'ae' comrades!

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