Siren Lover 💙🤍

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-Still Nagisa's POV-

I see my favorite tavern of all time. The guilds unit. It doesn't have a unique name but hey it's the best. You may be wondering where I get all this money from. The only time I use hypnotism on humans is to give me the money, and when I don't it usually falls into the ocean. I walk into the tavern and see how much I can get for... forty silver coins?!? Damn did I get money in my sleep or something?! Usually I have maybe Twenty-six at most. That means I can buy myself quite a few drinks. But I'll only buy two. That way I'll have something I can buy later. I walk into the tavern and see the human from before. I don't think he knows sirens can shape shift though. Unless he has a LOT of money. That kind of book can go up to 50 gold coins.  I sit at the bar and ask for a pint and wait.

-Karma's POV-

The boy that just walked in, looks familiar. Blue hair? Where did I see that? I finished my pint and walk over to him. "Excuse me, but you look so familiar. Have we met before?" He turned his head slightly. I could see his blue eyes and what kinda looks like a scar. Did someone hurt him? Who would hurt a cutie- I cut myself off. CUTIE?!?? I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM! I feel my face heat up a little bit. "I come here sometimes so you've probably seen me around before. Are you ok sir? Your face is a bit red?" I snap back to reality to the boy with blue hair. "U-uh yes. I'm fine. Sorry to interrupt your afternoon." I walk away from him and out of that tavern. I don't go to that tavern often so why did he look so familiar? I'm gonna drive myself insane if I don't find out why he looks familiar to me.

-Nagisa's POV-

I finish my drinks and leave to go to a store. I pick up some little candies and other types of food. Sirens and humans aren't that different. We just usually live in a body of water. And eat people. But other than that we're pretty similar. The sun was about to come up so I quickly went to take off the clothes and I put my snacks under the doc. I also got glue to put my snacks there. I get into the water and start doing my normal routine.

-The next night-

I get dressed and to the doc and sit there eating my snacks. This is better than seaweed and fish I gotta say. I hear a yell come from behind me thinking it was someone from my pack eating someone I ignore it. I don't understand why they don't just drown their prey. Then I heard it again so I looked behind me. I couldn't make out any words so it was just yelling at me. Then I see the man from the doc. The man started running to me so I just sat there. He finally got to me breathing hard. "*Huff*h... hey...*huff* I d-didn't g.. get your name." I look at him and wonder if I should give him my name. "....Nagisa... And you are?" I ask the man who is now sitting by me. "Karma. It's nice to meet you Nagisa!" His smile and the way he said my name was nice but he seemed off. Like if I move an inch closer I would get knocked out and thrown into the water. "Last time I saw you it looked like you ad a scar, but it's not there anymore. What was on your face?" I looked at my face closely. How did he even remember that? "W-well I didn't realize that there was something on my face. Probably just washed it off..!" I try saying it without stuttering but didn't work out so well. We watch the sky and talk. I didn't think humans could be good. "Hey, I gotta go. I have work tomorrow. See you later!" He got up and left. When he was nowhere to be seen I stripped and got back into the ocean. As long as are whole body was in the water we could turn back into a siren. I go back to where I usually sleep and see Itona. "Hey, Nagisa have you seen Chiba?" "No, why?" I ask kinda scared that something happened to him. "Well yesterday we were talking and he said he wanted to find me more books so he left. But he said he'd be back today." "Well, something could have come up. Plus he needs to rest during the day. We're practically vampires. Sleep during the day stay awake at night?" I reassured him. "Yeah I guess your ri-" there was a splash and there Chiba was. "I got you a few more books. They're with your other books." "Oh, thanks, Chiba!" He said then hugged him. They weren't dating. They were just best friends. I mean, I would befriend anyone who saved me.

-third person-

Karma and Nagisa had a ritual. They would meet up at night and do their own thing during the day. They talked for almost a year (ten months). They both had feelings for each other so Nagisa decided to tell him the truth about himself. "Hey, Karma I need to tell you something. Well, two things." He was scared out of his mind. "Can I go first?" Karma looked at Nagisa. "Yeah of course!" Nagisa looked at the red-haired boy.

-Karma's POV-

I was nervous. What if my theory was right? I couldn't tell him I killed sirens! That would ruin my chances! "Well, I like you. More than a friend. So will you be mine?" He hugged and kissed me! Does he like a murderer like me? Why? "Well I guess I should tell you now..." he was hesitant about telling me. Did this mean.. "I'm a siren..!" He flinched and I was correct. It was the siren from before. "Ok. Do you eat humans?" He looked almost disgusted at my comment. "No! I only eat seaweed, fish, and sweets! I'd rather not eat people. I'm not becoming my mom! But the chances of me going out of control are still there.." he looked disappointed in himself. "How do we avoid you getting out of control?" "Do you remember when you first saw me?" I looked at him and thought he didn't remember me. "Yes, I do. I wanted to know why you were so familiar but I realized you were the siren I met that day a couple of months ago." "Well remember how my eyes went white and there was what looked like a scar?" "Yeah?" I was kinda growing impatient. "Try not to cut or hurt yourself, alright?" "Ok, I promise."

-the next day-

I was at work until I heard my name being called from the distance. I turn behind me to see Nagisa. "How are you here?!" I smile and hug my lover. "Well, I'm half-human. My dad was a human and my mom was a siren. I've always been able to walk around whenever I wanted to but chose not to." "Are you the only one who can shape shift or can every siren?" I was genuinely curious. Ever since I and him started dating I started getting more involved with sirens. "Everyone can but they can only do it at night." I loved him so much. I can't believe I misunderstood sirens my whole life.

-the end-

THAT WAS 2085!!! MY LONGEST ONE YET! Thanks for reading my lovelies🤎🖤🤍💛🧡🤍💞🖤💚🧡🤍 goodbye

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