Cutting... (this also has an a/n)

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So this is a sad au. So Nagisa is in a toxic relationship with Isogai. (That's the only character I could think of sorry) But they've been together ever since high school so Nagisa doesn't think much of it. Sorry if it's bad, this is my first sad au thing. Enjoy reading! Also, Igosia is a human in this. One more thing, this can be trigging for some people. So please read at your own risk.

💙❤️ sad and fluff

-Nagisa's POV-

I and Isogai have been dating for a while now. We started dating in high school when he transferred here. At first, we were the '#1 couple' or the example of it anyway. We're in college now. We're both in our third year and everything is going great!... I think.. is it normal for your spouse to hit you? Or yell at you? I know it's normal for couples to have sex but.. I didn't wanna do it... I don't wanna talk about it to my friends and every time I try to talk to him about this he just said 'it's natural but is it? I don't know if I'm being honest. Even if I did wanna talk about this to my friends I couldn't. He doesn't like me talking to other people. He doesn't like me talking to Karma. I don't even know why though. Sure he can be scary at times but he wouldn't hurt me. The only time we did fight was for school. Maybe he's intimidated by him? Maybe he thinks I'm gonna cheat on him with him? There are so many possible things. I don't wanna talk to him about it though.

-Later that night-

Isogai came back to the apartment at 12:21 am. "Where were you?! I was so worried!" I help him in the apartment taking him to our room. "Aww come on~ I was just having fun!" He laughed like I was an idiot. "For the fifth time this week?" I look at him coldly not wanting to deal with his bs today. I start walking out of the room when he grabbed me pulling me to the bed and pinning me down. "Not tonight. I'm not in the mood." I try getting up but he grips my hands tighter. "Ow!" I've been cutting for a while now, but I started cutting in high school. He helped me stop but, he's making me more depressed. But at the same time... it's my fault... he acts this way because I don't wanna have sex. It's my fault.


After we did.. "that" I went on a walk. 'Damn why did I let this happen again?! I'm such a weakling. I'm useless, and so much more.' I was thinking to myself when I was knocked down by someone. "What the hells your problem?! Watch where your go-" "I'm sorry sir" I rush to get up and walk away then I was grabbed by my shoulder so I assumed I was gonna get a punched. "I-IM SORRY!!" I get down and hide my face. "Wow Nagi, what happened to you?" I look up and noticed it was Karma who knocked me down. "O-oh. Karma it's been a while.. hasn't it?" It's true. I haven't talked to him since high school. "Yeah, it has.. You still with Isogai?" I looked down. "Y-yes. We're still together.." he looked at me in confusion. "The way you said that you seemed you don't wanna be with him anymore..?" "Listen I gotta go but it was nice talking to you..!" I start running/jogging. 'DAMNIT! SINCE WHEN WAS HE THIS FUCKING HOT?!' I thought to myself while still running. 'I shouldn't have thought that.. I have a boyfriend.. but.. do I still wanna be with him?' I got to my apartment and went into the bathroom. I noticed that there was some noise I'm the room but I didn't think anything of it. I grabbed the razor from under the sink. One cut turned to five and five turned into twenty. 'That should be ok..' I walked out of the bathroom into the room and I couldn't believe what I saw. Isogai was making out with Hiroto Maehara. I mean who could blame him. He was nice and appealing. But he's not my type. "...get out.." I was looking down crying. "B-babe! It's not what you t-think!" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT!! WE'RE DONE!" I snapped looking at the half-naked boys. They got their shirts and left my apartment. I stood there crying until my legs gave out. 'Why does this always happen to me?' I was laying on the ground until I heard a knock at the door. I was good at hiding when I was crying. No one can tell. I take a deep breath in and out walking to the door. "Karma? What are you doing here?" I look at him confused about why he's here. "You know your boyfriend is cheating on you right?" I looked down. "Yes.. B-but I kicked him out and dumped him I promise!" I looked up at him. He had a look of hurt in his eyes. "You have a lot of explaining. I know you've been crying.. you've been good at hiding it though." I looked at him with wide eyes. I didn't know what to do so slammed the door and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Those twenty cute turned to thirty and that turned to thirty-five. Soon after the forty-eighth, I began to black out. Then Karma busted through the door and kneeled picking me up before I blacked out.

-Karma's POV-

He blacked out. When I was outside I called the police. I picked him out taking him outside where I was greeted by an ambulance. I couldn't go with him sadly. I had to talk to the police.


After I talked with the police I went to the hospital. I walk/run-up to the front desk. "Where's Shiota Nagisa?!" The lady who seemed to be in her early twenties looked up at me surprised. "He's in room 312 but you can't go up there yet. Please take a seat. He will be ok there weren't very many cuts considering other people." "Damnit.." I start crying "Karma you couldn't do anything to help him anyway." I looked at her. Then I realized it was Megu Kataoka. "Megu Kataoka?" "Yep.. So what even happened to Nagisa anyways? We know he cut himself but do you know why?" I think for a minute then realize something. Ever since Nagisa was dating Isogai he never talked to anyone else. "I'm gonna kill him.." I look down thinking about that bitch. "Who?" She looked up at me knowing I would kill anyone. "Isogai. He cheated on Nagisa. That much I know but, I feel like there's more to the story.." I then walk to one of the chairs waiting for someone to tell me he's ok. The doctor walks to Kataoka and tells her something she then smiles and the doctor walked away. She waved me over to where she was so then I get up and walked toward her. "So will he be ok?" I ask impatiently. "Yep, remember room 312." She smiled at me and I head to the room. It was on the third floor I knew that much. I see his room and head in. "Nagisa.." I look at him and start crying again. I walk to his bed and sit right by him. I visited every day until a miracle happened. He woke up. "Ugh.. Karma?" I looked up at him wide-eyed. "Nagisa!" I hugged him and he hugged back. "Do you remember anything?" I ask him and he looked down. "Sadly yes.." "can you tell me why you did it?" He was quiet for a couple of minutes. "... Isogai beat, yelled, and did things to me.." I quickly understand what happened. He abused him. That motherfucker hurt the love of my life. I wasn't gonna say anything to him yet. He needs time to recover. "I'm sorry he did that Nagi. Do need anything for me to help?" I held his hand giving it a light squeeze. "Yeah, can you be there with me? You know.. at my apartment?" I gave him a small smile. "Of course Nagisa."

-Later that week-

He soon got out of the hospital. We went to his apartment to see Igosai at the door crying. "Nagisa I'm sorry! Please take me back!" We both look at him in smite. I walk up to him and kick him down. "What's your problem Karma?!" I look at him wanting to smash his head into to cement. "You have two oppositions. 1. Is that you get out with a beating or 2. You get thrown off this building." Isogai being the cowered that's he is ran as fast as could while I stayed there to help Nagisa get into the apartment. We walked in and decided to watch a movie. We watched movies until Nagisa fell asleep. I looked down and kissed him on the head and decided to try to sleep as well.

-After they woke up-
-Nagisa's POV-

I woke up and felt something underneath me. It was comfortable so I looked up to see what it was. IT WAS KARMA?! I looked down at him feeling the heat in my cheeks. I tried getting up but he was holding me. It wasn't like how Igosai used to hold me. I felt safe. Like if Karma was holding me I would never get hurt. I lay down next to him waiting for him to wake up. It was 25 minutes until he did wake up and when he did he was a blushing mess. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, Karma." I snuggled up to Karma's chest. He put his head on mine and kissed the top of it. "Can I tell you something?" He asked me. "Of course Karma." "You know... I've loved you since we were in high school." I looked up at him. "I love you too. Ever since that night, you helped me. Even before that, I felt the same for you but I was scared that If I left I would get hurt." He kissed me on my head again. "Let's go back to sleep." "Ok"


Hello, lovelies! I'll try posting every day. Also if you couldn't tell I made a new category for this series. So now there's sad, smut, and fluff. There y'all go. Have a good day, peeps!

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