Totally Awesome

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No one would ever have thought Delphi was a dark witch now. Yes, everyone stared and whispered, but they were looks with reverence, and everyone crowded around their hero, wanting to touch the one who was only twelve and still somehow saved them from a fully-trained dark witch.

"How'd you make Zookie so alive?" Delphi asked Gwillan one day after the exams. "Even Dean Goldstein was impressed."

"The thing is, I don't know," Gwillan admitted. "But I'm glad he likes you."

"Me too," Delphi said. "Me too."

Rowan became more isolated. Delphi kept trying to talk about it, but any time she even began to approach the subject of May 17th, he got sullen and stalked off without another word.

It was strange, going back to the Rowle Manor after all that. Euphemia was angrier that summer because of the influx of owls-Malfoy had made good on his promise. Thorfinn Rowle, however, was stalking around the shadows of the house a little too often for Delphi's taste. Whenever she wasn't fetching her meals, she locked the attic door and remained up there. It was lonely, but safe.

Besides, more often there were callers in black cloaks that Euphemia and Thorfinn were quick to usher into the house-and they were carrying American newspapers.


She was excited for the return of the school year.

"Maybe nothing will happen this year," she said, more to herself than to Zookie. Zookie shook his head.

"Hey," she protested. "It could happen!"

They both knew that it was a lie.


Goldstein was cheery as always when he came to fetch Delphi and her trunk.

"You're getting taller," he remarked. "We're going to have to get you more clothes than just your usual. I think I'll have Esther help you with that while I get the rest of your supplies."

"Alright," Delphi said brightly. "Thanks."

He didn't bother asking if the Rowles wanted to say goodbye anymore.

In the Goldstein cottage, Esther Goldstein rose from her seat with grace as Goldstein and Delphi arrived.

"Hello you two," she said amusedly, taking the trunk from her brother. "Ready to go shopping?"

"Yes," Delphi chirped.

Esther giggled. "Alright then. Josh, you ready?"


It had been a long, exhausting trip, including bra shopping. Delphi was finding herself looking more towards the leather jackets and distressed leggings than the cutesy stuff, although some of that intersected in fabulous ways Delphi couldn't resist.

During the shopping trip, however, Delphi saw the strange looks out of the corner of her eye. The people pointing and staring. She smiled back, a part of her happy to be at the center of someone's attention, even if it was random strangers.

A part of her felt like she should be humble, like she should shrink away, but she didn't care. She loved being in the spotlight-it made her feel like she belonged, like she had a home.


"Hey, Rowan!" she cried, embracing him as he came over. "Missed you this summer! Do anything fun?"

"Besides some of the trips I wrote about? No," he said. "Mostly stayed at home, watched the little cousins. By the way, remember Cedric and Ashlynn? They'll be starting at Ilvermorny this year!"

"That's cool," Delphi said. "Should I let you guys get acquainted?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to give them a brief tour, but we can hang out later," Rowan assured her.

"Awesome," Delphi said with a grin, and she skipped off. Soon, Gwillan and Alexa came, and they appeared to be slightly less upset than they were last year. Alexa, however, seemed particularly happy to be at Ilvermorny.

"Mummy and Dad have been fighting a lot," Alexa admitted. "Mummy doesn't think he should have custody rights after the dragons from the Pennykettle preserve ended up at Ilvermorny. Nevermind that she doesn't blame Aunt Lucy or Gran for it!"

Then she grinned. "I'm just happy to be away. Let them cool down. If they get really upset, I'll shut them down."

"This year's gonna be totally awesome," Gwillan declared.

Tahlia also seemed a lot happier this year.

"Hey," she said, coming with a friend off the bus.

"I missed you so much!" Delphi cried, hugging her friend.

"Oh, Delphi, did I ever introduce you to my friend, Jacelyn Freeman?" Tahlia asked, gesturing towards her friend.

"Oh no, you didn't! Hi, Jacelyn," Delphi said brightly, extending her hand towards the black girl with bright red hair. "I love your dress!"

"Oh, this? I made it," Jacelyn said brightly, tugging at the hem of her silky bubble-gum pink skirt with a strawberry design on it. "I've heard about you-I mean, everyone has."

"That's cool," Delphi said, feeling a blush coming on. "What house are you in?"

"Pukwudgie," Jacelyn said brightly.

"Ooh, must be nice there," Delphi remarked.

"Yeah," Jacelyn said. "I'm going to go check in on some friends. Come on Tahlia!"

"See you later!" Delphi called out.

She began to walk towards the main castle, hoping to find the Slytherin Tree again, when she saw Guinevere.

"Bet you think you're so special now, don't you?" Guinevere snarled. "With all your friends and being a celebrity and a Metamorphamagus, a Parselmouth, a Seer, the Heir of Sayre, and the one who saved the school! Well, every star burns out."

Delphi stared after Guinevere as she suddenly sashayed away, wondering what made Guinevere hate her so much.

At dinner, they'd only just say down when the lights turned an ominous red and everything went quiet. Screams echoed across the cafeteria as the figure of Carren Starkiller appeared.

"You fools," she said condescendingly. "This is a recorded message-your school is annoyingly impossible to infiltrate physically, so this will have to do. I will attack you-sooner or later. The school will be mine. It would be best to give up now. But you're not going to pick that option, are you? In that case, beware, Ilvermorny. And now, a message to my dear son. Rowan, I will come for you. You can't stop me. You're my son, and I won't make the same mistakes my mother did. As for Delphini-you have declared yourself an enemy of the Celestials. Prepare to face my wrath."

The figure dissolved and everyone was in a panic. Delphi looked to Rowan, who looked terrified and like he was about to vomit.

"She can't, she can't do the same thing she did last year, she won't come for you," Guinevere quietly assured him. Delphi and Guinevere's eyes met, and she knew they were agreeing on one thing for once.

"Come on, let's get you out of here-"


Delphi was startled at this reaction.

"I don't want to make this any easier for her!" he cried.

A part of Delphi's heart broke. This was not totally awesome. It wasn't awesome at all.

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