The Augurey's Cry

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Delphi didn't think twice. This was her second chance to leave and she wouldn't take it for granted. She grabbed one of the parchment sheets on her desk and her quill and scribbled a reply.

Dear Ms. Calderon Boot,

I want to attend Ilvermorny, but my guardians don't want me to leave the house. Please help me. I really, really want to go and they won't let me go to Hogwarts or anywhere else. Please, please help me get my guardians let me go! I promise I'll be good!


Delphi Lestrange

She attached it to the owl's leg, and he flew away immediately. She buried the letter under her pillow and hoped that it would get there in time. She sighed and sat up for her imaginary birthday party.

"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me," she sang sadly. "Happy birthday dear Delphi. Happy birthday to me."

Her answer came the next evening, over dinner, the one meal the Rowles made her sit during. She cut into her pork chop, not looking at anyone at the table. She knew they'd demand what she was staring at if she did, and she didn't particularly want to lay eyes on them.

Suddenly, the flames of the fireplace turned green. Delphi dropped her fork as a tall, imposing Hispanic woman and a short, white man entered the Rowle house.

"Is this the residence of Delphini Lestrange?" the woman asked commandingly.

"What did you do now?" Euphemia screeched at Delphi, who flinched.

"Nothing is wrong," the man assured them with a friendly smile.

"In fact, we came about a spot in our school," the woman said, in a less friendly tone. "I'm Mafalda Calderon Boot, Dean of Admissions, and this is Joshua Goldstein, First-Year Dean of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"She's not going," Euphemia said quickly. "Hate to say it in front of the poor dear, but both sides of her family have a lot of er, problems in the head."

Calderon Boot raised an eyebrow. "Has she shown any signs of ever inheriting these problems?"

"All the time," Euphemia said in a low voice, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "Poor dearie talks to walls and wanders around the house. Often has hissing spells. Sometimes she'll be staring blankly, then it's like nothing happened."

The woman did not seem convinced.

"If you'll excuse me, Madam Rowle," Goldstein began cheerfully, "we at Ilvermorny have some of the best therapy in the magical world. We can work around any of Delphini's problems.'

"I don't want her embarrassing the family," Euphemia said, her voice rising in desperation. Calderon Boot's eyebrows were raised higher.

"Madam Rowle, we only know who you are because we did a little research before sending Delphini's letter," Calderon Boot said in a no-nonsense voice. "With all due respect, any behavior of hers will only reflect on her, not you."

"I suppose," Euphemia drew out the last syllable, knowing she'd been beat. "I don't want to go to America to shop school supplies!"

"Madam, I'll take her the week before every year so you don't have to do a thing," Goldstein said warmly. "It's really up to Delphini if she wishes to go or not."

"I want to go," Delphi said quickly.

"Then it's settled," Calderon Boot said, cracking a smile at Delphi. "Goldstein will pick her up the week before. Thank you for your time."

With that, the two deans exited into the green flames. Euphemia turned to Delphi angrily.

"Look, girl, I don't know what funny business you were up to, but I'm warning you, if I find out you've embarrassed us at any time. . . " Euphemia trailed off threateningly.

"Yes, Milady," Delphi answered meekly. The augury in the sitting room let out a low cry that pierced the tense silence.

"See- see!" Euphemia shrieked. "This is a big mistake- and we're all going to regret it!"

That night, it rained heavily.

Delphi became obsessed with Ilvermorny overnight. She researched as much as she could in the Rowle library and pondered with her friends of the Pigfarts Wizarding Academy whether it would be just as good or better than Hogwarts.

On her calendar, she began ticking down the days until Dean Goldstein would pick her up and take her to America. Every night, she fell asleep excited, knowing the clock was ticking down on her time left with the Rowles.

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