Third Task

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"We've called you and your seconds for a brief oversight of the final task," the MACUSA official announced. "It's time that you know what you are up against. This challenge will be based on teamwork. It is required that both teammates compete in this task. You will have to navigate an arena to look for the treasures with your name on it."

Delphi looked to Rowan, then back to the MACUSA woman.

"We're ready."

The two entered the arena as the crowd cheered for Team Riddle-Kostidanova. She didn't dare let go of his hand. She looked down the path as far as she was able-tall stone steps and a wall that seemed to go on for miles.

She exchanged one last glance with Rowan, communicating without words.

The red sparks shot into the air and the teams started off down their paths. Before either of them knew it, they were forced to turn right by the maze of castle walls and we're off.

"We've got to find treasures, right?" Delphi asked, barely glancing back at Rowan.

"Yeah," he answered. "Just like Rionach's amulet."

"This should be a piece of cake compared to that," Delphi muttered.

"Let's try a Pointing Spell," Rowan suggested.

Delphi nodded, and he shot a spell into the air, pointing them towards the left path ahead. They ran to the turning point and saw several missing bricks in the wall.

"What do you think did that?" Rowan asked.

Delphi shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

With that, she charged through, pulling Rowan along for the ride. They didn't have to wait long for the answer. A sleek black cat with jet-black wings unfurling hissed at Delphi.

"Shi-" Rowan began as the two began to back away.

The cat lunged.

"Flipendo!" Delphi shouted, and as the cat flew backwards, she recognized the jewel around its neck. "Did you see-"

Rowan winced. "We have to get a treasure from it, don't we?"

The two rushed at the cat, and Delphi in a mad dash tackled the cat to the ground, not caring in the slightest if she got hurt.

"Accio jewel!" Rowan cried, and the jewel refused to come. He instead snatched it, and pulled Delphi away from the jaws as she rose, and the two of them ran for their lives. Delphi only dared to stop when she was certain that they'd left the beast behind them.

"We got the first one," she said breathlessly. "How many of these things do we have to find again?"

"Don't know," Rowan admitted as he leaned against the wall for support.

"Well, this should be interesting," Delphi admitted. "Can you do that spell again?"

"Sure," Rowan said. "Point me."

The arrow pointed to their right at the farthest edge of the corner. Delphi jogged over to it, and was immediately regretting it. A purple thing with several grabbing arms and eyes was blocking the way.

"What is that?" Delphi demanded, keeping both her wands trained on the creature.

"We are the Sleer," the creature responded. "We guard for the Master."

Rowan just stared at it blankly. "I don't know."

"Didn't you hear it, it just said it was. . ." Delphi trailed off in realization. "It spoke Parseltongue."

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