The Boy Who Loved

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Delphi rose to her feet immediately. She was in the presence of Harry Potter! She'd never expected to meet the man, especially not over something like her father. She curtsied, something she only saw Freya and Ondine do when they were recounting their many social events.

"Miss Lestrange?" Mr. Potter asked in a kindly voice.

"Yes sir, Delphi Lestrange, nice to meet you," Delphi said nervously, extending her hand rather quickly to Potter.

"I'm Harry Potter," he began. "Let's take a seat. I heard that Rodolphous Lestrange said that he was not your father-is that correct?"

"He did," Delphi said reluctantly as she sat down. "He said that Lord Voldemort was my father."

Potter flinched, clutching his scar, the infamous lightning scar.

Oh god, oh god, oh Wizarding God, I'm doing something to Harry Potter! Merlin's pants!

He sat down himself, finally letting go. He let out a shudder that went through his whole body, and then looked Delphi in the eyes.

"You are his daughter," he said in awe.

"What convinced you?" she demanded panickedly.

"I've had a close relationship with Tom Riddle," Potter said vaguely. "I know these sorts of things. I understand that you've been living with the Rowles?"

"Yes," Delphi answered. "All my life."

"I see." Potter seemed to be thinking through his words carefully. "My records seem to say that there's been suspicious activity at the Rowles' lately. Do you know anything about that?"

"No, sir," she answered.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I was up in the attic all summer," she said. "It I did notice they had American newspapers."

"That is rather odd," he agreed. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Draco Malfoy's been working on the custody rights for me since the Rowles have been far from good to me," Delphi said with an undercurrent of ice in her voice.

"Draco Malfoy you say?" Potter asked. "My assistant contacted him-he should be here soon. I'll personally help in any way I can with the custody rights-with this information, and the activity at the Rowles, I feel that you shouldn't be there. Malfoy's proven himself to be better. . . And there's Astoria, at least."

"Why haven't you done anything for me before now?" Delphi asked without thinking.

"I didn't know," Potter admitted, a certain understanding in his brilliant green eyes. "You were registered as Delphini Lestrange; one of my other assistants is checking the Quill's Registrar. No one could've known the truth. I-I take it they didn't treat you well?"

"What do you think?" she demanded.

"I knew a boy once much like you," he replied reminiscently. "He had to live with the fact that he was an orphan-that he got to choose his family. He would get to decide who he let into his life. He had many roles forced upon him, but there was one he chose to be-the Boy Who Loved. Who had compassion for others-who was willing sacrifice himself for the family he'd made."

"That boy was you?" Delphi asked.

"Your records didn't say you were quick," Potter chuckled. "But in all seriousness, I know what it's like to be in your shoes, to an extent. The greatest thing I ever did for myself was get my own new family."

"I'm making my own, too," Delphi said, thinking of Alexa, Tahlia, Gwillan, and most of all, Rowan.

"Good, good," Potter said with an amused smile. The door then burst open with the tall imposing figure of Draco Malfoy.

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