Karin and Katsuki

Start from the beginning

"As amazing as that sounds Mina-" Komei sweat dropped

"I'm actually kinda tired today, maybe we can do it again... next week?"

"Aweeeee, come on Komes~~" She whined 

"S-Sorry Mina..."

"Oh okayyyyyy~" She gave up

"But I'll let you know what happens in this episode so you can get caught up!"

"Sure-" She cheekily smiled




Back in her room, Komei decided to get a head start on her homework so she didn't have to worry about it later. Her eyes were so tired, she could barely keep her head up until she heard a knock on the door that startled her.

Sighing, she got up from her desk and lazily walked over pulling it open

"Mina, I told you I didn't-"

Opening her door... one thing for sure, she didn't expect to see Katsuki Bakugou outside her doorway.

He just stood there, starring, before inviting himself in.

"H-Hey!! I-I d-didn't say you c-could come in h-here!!" She stuttered flustered

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"H-Hey!! I-I d-didn't say you c-could come in h-here!!" She stuttered flustered

Ignoring her,  he looked around at her room. Giving up, she ultimately closed the door behind him.

"Oh goodness..." She sighed

'What do I do?'

'Katsuki's in my room-'

'Okay, be cool--be cool--' 

Her nervous energy was spiralling. 

"W-Why'd you come h-here Katsuki?" She stuttered as he turned back around to face her wearing his casual black tank top and shorts


"You look like shit."

'Did he really just-' 

Man, he really knows how to talk to girls doesn't he?

"You came all the way to tell me that?" She pushed now annoyed

"Take it off-" He pointed to her sweatshirt

"Excuse me?" She covered herself with her arms dramatically

"Don't make me say it again sparky-" Katsuki tilted his head to the side with a scowl

"Bite me-" She huffed

'He comes into my room and asks me to take off my clothes?!?? What the hell is wrong with him?!?'

Clicking his tongue, he trudged forward grabbing her by the arm and burned the hoodie off of her body.

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