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"Hi!" Harper called her sister and potential boyfriend. She still insisted on saying they weren't dating, even though they spent a lot of time together.

"Can I help?" Hainsley asked, walking into the kitchen where Harper was finishing up the hot appetizers.

"Can you take the spanakopita into the living room?" Harper asked, pulling out a tray of mac and cheese bites.


"Thanks." She watched Regal pull Hunter off to the side to explain things. Hunter nodded and looked up at Harper, he gave her a sweet smile. Harper brought out the other hot snacks just as the doorbell rang again. Regal answered it again with a smirk on his face when he saw Heather with a stunned Anders standing behind her. Heather came up to Anders' chin, her dark brown hair glistening in the light.

"Hi Heather, Anders, come on in," Harper called, waving them inside. Heather took off her coat, Anders taking it from her. Harper laughed, she had a hunch Anders and Heather would hit it off. Would Heather make it hard on Anders like Hainsley was doing to poor Hunter?

"What game should we start with?" she asked, pointing to the stack of games she pulled out.

"Want to play in teams?" Hunter suggested, when he pulled out the game Ticket to Ride. Harper didn't mind. She wondered how the teams would pan out.

"Sure. Do we want teams of two?" she replied, wrapping an arm around Regal's waist to hold him close. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her head. His hand rested possessively on her stomach where their child was growing.

"I claim Harper," Regal announced. The other four laughed and nodded their agreement.

"Want to be partners?" Heather asked Anders, he was still staring at her having settled on the couch next to her. He nodded silently. Harper hid her face in Regal's chest to smother her giggle.

"Hush, he's been convinced there is no mate out there for him," Regal whispered in her ear.

"Who needs a drink?" Regal asked to break the sexual tension brewing between Heather and Anders.

"I'll take a beer," Hunter answered, Anders raised his hand to get one too.

"Wine for me," Hainsley replied.

"Me too," Heather added. Regal went into the kitchen to grab the drinks while Harper set up the game board. She explained the directions while Regal poured drinks. Soon they were in a heated battle for the longest train and making their destinations while cutting off others. Harper watched as her sisters whispered in their partners' ears.

"I think your friends are doomed," she commented, sipping her water. Regal nodded his agreement and placed their next set of train pieces.

"Hunter and Hainsley it is your turn," Regal called, making both of them jump and blush turning back to the board.

"I think we should play pictionary next girls, verse boys," Harper suggested as their game ended.

"Sounds good. Can I get a refill?" Heather asked, holding out her wineglass. Harper filled it up with the bottle they'd left near the table.

"Anders, Hunter, do either of you need another beer?" she asked the men.

"No thanks," Anders replied and Hunter nodded. Harper got up to get a bottle of beer for Hunter, Heather followed her into the kitchen.

"Anders has been staring at me all night," she whispered, acting as if she wanted a glass of water.

"I noticed. He is a jaguar shifter," Harper whispered back and Heather shook her head.

"The man still refuses to see me about plans for his hotel. How can I be his mate?" she asked, picking up on what Harper was hinting at.

"Maybe he doesn't know who you are," she replied, grabbing the beer for Hunter.

"Oh, really?"

"Let's test my theory," she answered, walking over to their game table.

"Anders, how is your new hotel coming?" Harper asked, handing Hunter his beer.

"I still can't seem to find someone to help design the rooms to my satisfaction," he replied, helping Regal pack up the finished game.

"Did you know Heather works for the design company?" she asked, and Anders turned his head to stare at her sister.

"I don't believe I have seen Heather Talbot come across my desk," he remarked, and Heather glared at him.

"My boss Frederick Prime said he'd give you my designs," Heather explained, shaking her head.

"Frederick keeps giving me designs, but they are all from him," Anders replied, turning his full attention to her.

"That jerk. I gave him my plans right before Christmas. He was supposed to give them to you and see if you approved them," she shared pulling her phone out to check her emails.

"Do you have them with you?" he asked, Harper watched in fascination as Heather's head shot up to stare at him.

"They are on my work computer."

"When you get to work on Monday, I want you to email me your plans. I'd like to see something other than Frederick's plans," he told her, handing her his card. Heather gave him a bright smile and nodded.

"Now that we have that settled, it is time for pictionary!" Harper announced, holding out makers and blank paper.

"We are playing girls versus boys. So Heather, you come over here with Hainsley and me. Regal and Hunter go over with Anders," Harper ordered once they set the cards up. Everyone moved to where Harper directed them and played a boisterous game of pictionary. Harper and her sisters were hard to beat.

"Are you sure you three aren't the shifters?" Hunter joked after they smoked the men handedly.

"We've been sisters for longer than you three have been friends," Harper replied with a chuckle.

"True. I think the next game we should shift everyone around. Harper you with me, Hainsley you go with Anders and Heather with Regal. Let's see how the next game goes with the teams evened out," Hunter suggested picking up the next game on the table. Harper nodded her agreement. The games went well into the night with no one seeming to get tired. Harper saw the clock in the kitchen said two in the morning when she brought some dishes in to clean them. A noise caught her attention. The back door knob was being jiggled.

"Regal," she hissed, he flew into the kitchen and she pointed to the doorknob. He took a sniff and pushed her behind him.

"Get your sisters upstairs and locked in our room. I think we have some unwanted visitors," he replied. Harper had never heard Regal use that tone, one that brokered no argument. She went into the living room where her sisters and Regal's friends were settled on the couch watching a movie.

"Heather, Hainsley, come with me," she ordered and motioned for Anders and Hunter to join Regal in the kitchen. No one questioned her and did as she said. She took her sisters to her room and locked the door.

"What's going on?" Heather asked.

"I think those people who want to steal the book are here. I went into the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher. The back door knob was jiggling. Regal took a sniff and sent me out of the kitchen to collect you two," she explained.

"Then why are we up here? We can help," Hainsley remarked.

"I think we'd be more of a distraction than help. I saw the way both Anders and Hunter looked at you two. They stare like Regal did to me," she explained, making both her sisters laugh. She was happy to get their minds off the danger downstairs.

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