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Regal couldn't believe how thoroughly she made him lose control. His sweet little mate wasn't so sweet and innocent anymore. Each day he watched her confidence grow, and he hoped it would help her be more assertive with his people.

"Merry Christmas," she whispered back and curled up in his arms. His panther purred, and he wrapped an arm around her glistening shoulders.

"I love you."

" I love you too. I have a gift for you under the tree," she said after they'd finished eating.

"You do?" he asked surprised. When had she found time to get him a gift?

"I went out on my lunch break," she explained, slipping out of the bed. He watched her naked form walk out of the bedroom. Internally groaning as his cock hardened at the sight of her bouncing breasts. She came back in holding a small square package. He took it gently, reaching out to stroke one breast, watching the nipple tighten. He could smell her need for him growing again.

"Gift first, then you can have me in the shower," she ordered.

"Yes Ma'am," he replied with a salute and opened the package. To his surprise, there was a deed to the house and a key chain. Opening the deed he saw, she'd added his name to the document making him half owner of the house George had left her. He was speechless, it never occurred to him to ask her to do something like this.

"Harper," he began unsure how to express his gratitude.

"We are mates. That means we share everything. I spoke with Mr.McAvoy and you have to sign some paperwork to make it official. This is to show you how serious I am about being you wife and mate," she shared.

"You didn't have to do this," he replied, and she shook her head.

"I don't want our relationship to be who has what. I want this to be a shared experience." Her eyes shone with tears, leaning over he placed a gentle kiss on her waiting lips.

"Thank you." Grabbing her in a tight hug he crushed her to his body.

"Let's get a shower so I can show you just how grateful I am to you," he told her lifting her easily in his arms and into their master bathroom. Setting her down they heard a crashing sound come from downstairs.

"Stay here," he ordered and slipped out of the bathroom and down the hallway.

"Regal," she hissed, and he looked over his shoulder to see her wrapped in a towel and holding out a pair of boxers for him. He slipped them on and motioned for her to go back into their bedroom. Whoever was in their home was about to get a lesson in manners. It was Christmas, who would be breaking into their home now? He slunk down the stairs and caught a glimpse of a head of dark brown hair before Harper gasped.

"Hannah!" The woman turned around with a cinnamon bun in her hand and a smile on her face.

"What?" he asked, turning to look at his mate. He took a good look at the young woman in his kitchen and could see she looked exactly like Hainsley.

"Hey Harper. Sorry I disturbed you," she replied with a sheepish smile.

"Why are you in my house? How did you get in my house?" He could see her beginning to panic and pulled her in for a hug.

"Mom knew the code and I wanted to surprise you. We are having lunch here," Hannah explained and Regal felt slightly annoyed.

"What? No, we aren't. Why would we do it here?" she asked, he watched the confusion play across her face.

"Mom and Dad lost power. I told them I would check with you and decided since you have the biggest and nicest house you get to host lunch. Mom is on her way over with the food to cook since she already had it," Hannah explained and Regal let his irritation known with a growl.

"I don't think so," he began.

"Why?" Hannah asked giving him a shocked look.

"First of all, this is our home and I don't take kindly to people waltzing in. Second, no one actually checked with Harper or myself. Last, we have my family's dinner at six and so cannot host everyone and clean up before we need to go," he explained. He watched at Hannah's eyes slowly narrowed and Harper stepped between them.

"He is right Hannah. I told Mom I didn't want to host this year, but was willing to for next year. Is the power really out? Or did you and Mom get into an argument and you decided it would be better to run away again?" He watched as Hannah visibly deflated and Harper growled.

"Hannah Jane Talbot. You are not allowed to do that! I am changing the code to my security system and not telling anyone. You go home now and apologize to Mom. Regal and I will be over at noon," Harper ordered pointing to the door.

"I don't want too," Hannah grumbled and Regal laughed this time. She looked like a sullen child and not a woman of thirty.

"Sit and I am going to get dressed. Then you are going to tell me about the fight and why you thought it would be funny to scare me with hosting," Harper ordered and went back upstairs Regal hot on her heels.

"How did you know she had a fight with your mom?" he asked, they were standing in their closet getting dressed for the day. He pulled out a hunter green sweater and dark wash jeans. She put on a deep red swing dress with bright green leggings underneath.

"Hannah and my mom always fight. I'm not sure why she thought telling me I was hosting would be a good idea though. She is very impulsive and doesn't think things through. It is one of the reasons she is such a good photographer, she takes risks," Harper explained, brushing her blond hair and putting on a touch of chapstick. He loved her curves and giving in to an impulse he pulled her flush against him and nipped at her neck. She closed her eyes and moaned, he watched the transformation happen in the mirror. Opening her eyes, he could see the desire building for him again. He placed one last kiss on her neck and let go, she needed to deal with her sister.

"I am sorry about Hannah. Can you change the passcode before we leave? I don't like that my mom is handing it out to my sisters," she explained, and he nodded his agreement. He wasn't thrilled her mother wasn't taking her safety into consideration. Her property had been attacked twice and here her mother was giving her passcode into the house to her sisters.

"I'll change it and let you know out of earshot of your family," he replied and she smiled.

"I'll talk to my mom," she promised and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and they walked back down to deal with her little sister. 

Finally, meeting Hannah! Leave your thoughts and don't forget to vote!

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