"Well." Jeonggyu corrected. "Horses as well."

"Ah, sorry sorry." The father bowed slightly in apology, Rebecca's eyes widening.

"No no, you're very good at English." She reassured quickly, giving him a thumbs up, Taehyung's eyes landing on her shaking finger. "Have you always lived here?"

Taehyung's concern soon faded to nothing as the conversation continued. They were getting along! Very well actually, too the point where his father had pulled out his little notebook, reading out some jokes he had heard over his many years.

Even his mother cracked a smile. He knew she would be the hardest to get her to like Rebecca. His mother really was a wonderful woman, he loves her so much. But once she has something in her head, it's very hard to change it. It'll take time, but he knows there will be plenty of that.

Rebecca left to use the bathroom well after lunch, during the after talk in the living room. She wished Taehyung noticed her mood change. After she read that text message, she wish he would just tell his family it was time to go.

She just wanted to leave.

"I look forward to, to the next time!" Taehyung's father beamed, Rebecca and Taehyung on the outside of the door. Rebecca held out her hand to shake with him, but he went in to the full hug. "Ah my Rebecca! Come again soon! More jokes, next time."

Rebecca could've dropped to the ground and sob right there.

A father just hugged her. A caring, loving father full of bubbly happiness, just like his son.

A hug full of love from a father.

"I look forward to it." She smiled, hugging herself tightly as the door shut, Taehyung wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

He was laughing about something, talking about how well it went. But honestly, it went in one ear and out the other for Rebecca. All she could think about was that text message, over and over and over.

She knew Taehyung was too caught up in his happiness to notice she was upset. That or she was good at hiding her emotions. It was probably a mixture of both. But she refused to ruin his good mood with her horrible news.

Confusion fell over her after about twenty minutes of driving. Taehyung had pulled to the side of the road, putting the car in park. They were still in the outskirts of the city, hardly anything but road and trees out here.

"Becca." Taehyung turned towards Rebecca, a bright smile on his face.

"Yes?" Rebecca turned her head, not her whole body unlike her boyfriend.

"You wanna know something on my bucket list?" He couldn't take that goofy smile off his face. No no, he was excited.

"What's on your bucket list?" Rebecca played along, smiling softly at how happy he was. See? She couldn't spoil that.

"Car sex." He leaned forward a bit, the smile loosing it's goofiness ever so slightly.

"Car sex?" Rebecca repeated, in shock. That is definitely something she was not expecting. They've made out in the car before, but never, that.

"Yes." Taehyung got even more closer, a devilish smile on his face, his excitement taking over. But like a thousand times before, he never put his hands on her unless she said 'yes'. "Wanna try it?"

"I ... I don't know Tae..." Rebecca turned her head away from him a little, rubbing her arms. She really wasn't in the mood for sex, not the slightess honestly. His charms just weren't working on her right now.

"Oh come on," Taehyung leaned back in his seat, running his hand through his hair and licking his lips. "The windows are tinted,"

'No no.' Everything inside of Rebecca started to panic, everything inside of her slowly went insane. 'Don't don't.'

"And the seats go back-" Taehyung pressed a little bit further, but Rebecca broke. Everything inside of her crumbled. All will of not spoiling his mood were overrun by tears.

"Tae I don't want to!" She burst into tears, a sudden wave of emotions crashing down on her as she hugged herself tightly.

'Why why am I acting like this?' A tiny voice in her head whispered, only making Rebecca cry harder. 'He's going to think it's his fault.'

"I just wanna, I just-" A broken cry slipped her lips, her hand covering her mouth, the sound shocking her as well.

"No no." Taehyung pulled her into his arms despite the pain of the position. "I'm so sorry Becca I-I didn't think it'd be such a big deal." Taehyung kept apologizing until Rebecca pushed him away, his eyebrows wavering as she did so.

"Just take us home."

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