Chapter 33

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Panchaali walked up the temple, a smile on her face as she mumbled the mantras walking up the temple stairs of a near by Kingdom. Mata Kunti had told her all about the blessings of this temple, she wanted to do a pooja for her sons and family. "Yuvrani you seem very happy." Panchaali's handmaid and friend, Dhaara said, a smile on her face. "Yes, I am Dhaara. I had always wanted to come here to this temple. I have heard so much about it. The beauty and prosperity it holds. And let's not forget about the blessings than one receives from here. I want to perform the pooja here for my sons. Anytime they would be here with all my jijis and arya Bheem would be here, I just wish my other aryas could join too, but their work is so much. But Can you believe it? I am going to do this pooja!!! I am so excited. " Draupadi was vibrating with happiness, a smile on her face as she looked at Dhaara who smiled at her, "May the gods always keep you happy like this Yuvrani." The handmaid stated, it has been long since she had seen her smile so much, the loss of her motherhood always tinted ever happiness that she experienced but today, she truly seemed happy. "Aw. You're so sweet."  Panchaali said sweetly pinching her friend's cheek, who smiled back, the two entered the temple, ringing the bell that hung at the entrance. "Pranipat guru maa." Drupad kumari joined her hand as she greeted the guru mata, who smiled as she opened her eyes. "Saubhagyavati Bhava putri." She blessed, her hand resting on Panchaali's head. 

"It's so good to see you child. What pooja would you like to perform today?" She asked with a smile,as she gazed at the pandav patni, who couldn't stop grinning today for some reason. "I want to perform two poojas, one for my aryas and jijis, and second for my sons. I want to be part of both. I want to pray for their health, prosperity, long and happy life." The words were laced with love and devotion, as she grinned with excitement, her eyes grazing at guru mata, whose smile disappeared. Her face was an expressionless mask as she gazed at Panchaali, whose heart beat increased with anxiety. Did she do something wrong? Said something wrong? Why did she look so offended? Panchaali wondered as she looked at guru mata, anxiety pumped through her.

"I would like to talk to you alone child." Guru mata stated, her eyes looking pointedly at Dhaara, whose hackles rose, "Don't worry mata. Whatever you say wouldn't leave this room." Panchaali stated, guru mata nodded, "this poojas can be performed but you can't be part of those." She stated, her voice sharp, Draupadi jolted her heart wildly in her chest, "I am so sorry mata, if I offended you in some way. I never meant it to." She instantly apologized and bowed her head, joining  her hands in front of guru mata, who was mentally smirking, she hated Panchaali, the woman was nothing but a wh*re, marrying six men, and gods had punished her accordingly for her sins, she was deprived of her motherhood. If she wasn't the bloody Yuvrani, the guru mata would never let this wh*re enter the temple.

"You did nothing wrong putri. The fates have played games with you, I hate to say this but you are a baanj, a woman deprived of gods biggest blessing of motherhood. Your ominous present in the holy work would only impure the whole immaculate process of getting blessings for your family. Plus a baanj sitting in a pooja for children destroys the whole purpose of it. I don't mean to hurt you child but I want, what is best for you." Guru mata stated, she had a fake sad expression on her face as mentally she smirked, this b*tch got what she deserved. She had been flying too high, thinking she could she could just march in and demand anything. Mentally she was rejoicing as she looked Panchaali's face.

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