Chapter 22

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Dushasan was bleeding heavily, there was no part of his body that wasn't bleeding, he was swimming in between the world of consciousness and unconsciousness, Yudhisthir picked up the the container of cold water and splashed on his face.

Dushasan gasped awake, his eyes falling on his cousins, who smirked, everyone except Nakul was there, who was with their wife. Dushasan's body was throbbing in pain, he could no longer speak from all the pain that he was feeling, his body was throbbing with agony. Exhaustion weighed heavy on him, he was begging for death, his fingers and toes were cut, he was being tortured everyday.

"Hello brother." Karn whispered as he poured the salt water on his wounds making him scream like a banshee, as agony spread through his body, his painful screams had even the guards trembling. "Let me go!" He begged, "let you go? For what? So you can kill more woman mercilessly?" Shouted Arjun. "Hundred and eighty woman, murdered let me correct that, mercilessly butchered to death, by you. Many more are missing, and you dared put your eyes on my wife? What did you think she'll suffer the same fate?!" Karn shouted fury blazing brighter in him as he punched him in the face, "What right did you have to kill those innocent women? They were all married, had children and a husband! People who are still waiting for them? You know why! Because you burned their faces with acid for your sick satisfaction before their death! We weren't able to recognize them! Even if were, I wouldn't have send them home because after seeing their condition, their parents would have died. So mercilessly and brutally you killed so many! Why?!" Shouted Yudhisthir, anger flowing through his vein. "Kill me than!" Dushasan screamed. Bheem laughed, "No No brother, you won't be dying. You will forever live with this guilt and humiliation, every moment of your life would be worse than torture." Vrikodar promised, a sweet smile on his face, as his eyes burned with anger. "Guards! Cut his hands, tongue and legs, than take him to the ved and get him healed before throwing him on the steps of temple, let him live as a beggar there!" Shouted Sehdev, his eyes blazing, he turned around living the screaming and shouting man back as the guards got to their work. . .

Panchaali laid unconscious, in her bed, her husband ran his hand through her hair. He had checked all her vitals,she was fine, just had a panic attack. Nakul sighed, he trusted his brothers to torture him,to make him regret who he had messed with. His eyes burned with a fire as he looked at his wife, he wanted to kill that moron. Her whimpering brought him out of his stupor as she stirred, he wrapped his arms around her as he ran his hands through her hair.

"Shhh princess it's alright." He whispered as he ran his hand through her in a soothing motion, she blinked her eyes open as she looked up at him, "What if comes ag...again?" She asked stammering, his heart clenched hearing the fear in her voice as he looked at her, he pressed a kiss to his forehead as he rubbed her back in a soothing motion. "You don't have to worry about him. I promise you're safe." He assured her as he pressed a kiss on her forehead, she looked up at him, tears filled in her eyes, his heart throbbed in pain seeing the tears in her eyes. He cupped her cheeks as he looked in her eyes, "Everything will be fine. I promise love." He assured as he kissed her forehead, her nose and finally his lips claimed hers, his fingers weaved in her long dark tresses, fisting them firmly but not painfully, he pressed his body firmly into hers as he ran his hand through her hair.

His kiss was tender, he poured all his love and care, assurance as he kissed her slowly, his lips moving with hers in a perfect sync. He felt like centuries had passed as everything around them faded,nothing mattered except being with each other. He laid his forehead against hers, breathing in deeply as he pressed his lips to her forehead. "You will forever be protected love." Assured Nakul, his eyes meeting hers, "You're mine. Ours. There is nothing that we won't do for you, nothing."  Promised her husband making her heart thud at his words, her eyes meeting his as she gazed at him, her heart thundering in her chest, she felt loved and protected in his arms, her husband.

The door opened and the other five walked in, "See whose here to meet the tigress?" Nakul teased, "Her tigers!" Arjun exclaimed playfully as Bheem and Sehdev roared like one making her giggle. The pandavas heart eased seeing her laugh as their hearts lightened. "Looks like this tigers have smoked too much." Yudhisthir teased, making her giggle louder, as Bheem and Sehdev pouted. Karn laughed as he sat beside her, his arms wrapped around her making her sigh.

"How's my princess doing?" Yudhisthir asked as he sat near her, "Not good!" She said playfully, "Why is that?" Arjun questioned animatedly. "How do we fix this frown?"  He questioned playfully as he pointed at the frown on her face, "What can we do to fix your mood your highness?" Bheem asked playfully, "You all will do what I say?" She asked looking at them, her eyes shining with mischief as she bit back a naughty smile, they looked at each other, "Why does this sound like trouble?" Sehdev said playfully, "Because miss Trouble is the one suggesting it!" Nakul teased, making the pandavas laugh, "I am not trouble!" She whined, "Says who?" Arjun teased, "Says me!" She argued back,"believes who?" Bheem teased,"believes everyone!" She added back, all the pandavas bursted out laughing as she looked at them, they laughed like she had cracked the biggest joke. "You guys are such meanies!" She whined as she turned away from everyone, pretending to be angry, her heart was lighting with joy hearing her husbands laugh,"Opsie my little baby got angry." Karn called playfully, "I am not a babbbbbbyyyyyyy." She whined. "Sure, you aren't." Yudhisthir said, though his tone suggested otherwise, the others laughed making her pout. "Pull that lip in before I bite it!" Nakul said playfully, she pulled her lip making her look up at him. "My lip my decisions!" She argued back, "My wife my decisions too!" He argued back, "ugh you're such a meanie!" She whined, "ugh you're so whinny cry baby!" Nakul teased back, "I am not a cry baby!" She snapped back,"sure whatever floats your boat." Nakul teased back, "Aryaaaaaa! Look at him!" She complained looking at Karn, who smiled kissing the tip of her nose, his eyes twinkling with amusement, her eyes scanned the faces of all her husbands, so they thought this was funny? Let's see how funny they find it now.

"I am so not kissing or hugging anyone of you for a week! You all are such meanies!" She stated sounding angry as she got out of the bed, ignoring her husbands, who tripped over each other trying to get up. "OYE ! That's not fair! " Nakul whined, "Panchaali!" The six shouted panicked, they tried to all get up together and move after her, Bheem's leg got tangled in the bed sheet and he fell on brothers,who in turn lost their balance and fell on the ground in the tangle of legs and hands.

"Bhraatashree! Get up I will die!" Sehdev whined, "Panchaali!" The six called as she moved towards her bathroom to change. Her amusement knew no bounds, as she laughed and giggled. Of course she won't be able to stay away from them for long but there was nothing wrong with teasing them. . .





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