Kissing booth 8.

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Noah knew that (Y/n)'s mother passed away when she was thirteen and then her older brother passed away last year and he knew how Andrew died just like everyone else at school did. But Lee and Noah were the only people in the whole school to know that (Y/n) was the one who found her brother when he died. They knew she went to therapy for that and they knew it affected her very badly, everyone else was simply under the impression Andrew passed away and (Y/n) had taken it badly.

But Noah didn't know if Lee was referring to that or not because he knew (Y/n) had been getting back on track and she was determined to hold her head high and not be pitied or looked at when they were at school.
So why was she unwell?
"Lee, what's wrong with (Y/n)?" A dangerous look seemed to pool in Noah's electric blue eyes that were darker than Lee had ever seen them. He wanted to know what Lee knew because it seemed important and he wanted to know if something serious was wrong with (Y/n) because he cared. Noah couldn't tell his brother just how much he cared for (Y/n) but he could pretend it was in a brotherly sense. After all, he knew Andrew and he wanted to look out for (Y/n) just as Andrew had done.

Lee turned his head to the left and glanced around at the carnival that was slowly beginning to dwindle down as the night went on. People were going home and becoming scarce which left very little for Lee to focus his sights on.

He knew it was something that (Y/n) didn't want the whole world to know, but he wondered if she wouldn't mind Noah knowing this secret. He knew about Andrew, he knew about the little secrets and family problems and issues because their families had always been so close since forever. It wouldn't necessarily be wrong for Lee to tell Noah and he was pretty sure his brother was going to drag it out of him eventually anyway.

"She's not eating, her dad's getting pretty worried. I've taken her out to the arcades and tried to get her to eat but she won't. If her dad thinks she's getting depressed again he'll think she's harming herself again and send her to therapy."

When (Y/n) lost her mother when she was thirteen she took that hard but losing Andrew too hit her in a whole different way and both brothers knew it. Andrew died almost a year ago and everyone had seen how quickly (Y/n) deteriorated, within a month she became depressed and she harmed herself only once but it was enough for her dad to send her to therapy. He had lost his wife and then his son, he couldn't lose his daughter too, he had very little family left, (Y/n) was all he had and he would be damned if he let anything happen to her.

Everyone had tried to get (Y/n) back on track and help her through this and she was slowly picking herself back up but she wasn't eating. She wasn't hungry, she didn't have an appetite and when Lee took her to the arcades she didn't eat many chips or even want their usual ice cream.

Lee couldn't have her falling behind or dropping out or making herself ill, he had to help (Y/n) to keep pushing forward and he didn't want Noah pushing back her progress by getting in her head and hurting her.
"Lee... I'm not gonna hurt her I promise, I would never hurt (Y/n) you have my word."
"Thank you."

Noah would never hurt (Y/n), he wasn't that kind of person and he cared for her far too much to do that. But he wasn't saying that he wouldn't kiss (Y/n) again. Kissing her wouldn't hurt her because he didn't want to string her along or toy with her or have a fling with her because she was different. (Y/n) never flung herself at Noah's feet, she joked with him and teased him and she was shy and innocent and quiet but had a sly, cheeky side to her. She was different and intriguing to Noah and if he got the chance to kiss her like that again he wouldn't turn it down for Lee.
He wouldn't turn down that chance for anyone.

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