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Riley Greenfield

                         Lena Jackson should've been the last woman to ever give Riley a call yet, there she was blowing up Riley's phone with her remembered number. Quietly Riley picked up wondering if it was a serious phone call or just something she wanted to do in the spare of the moment. "Lena?" Riley questions for the person on the other line. "Hey Riley" Lena spoke into the phone. The tone in her voice wasn't too confident as Riley would've believed it to be. Silently Riley awaited on some type of explanation before she came to a conclusion for herself to hang up and block the number officially. "I'm sorry. This is sooo sudden and unexpected but I had no one else to call. Is their a way that maybe you can come get me?" Lena asked. "What do you mean come and get you? We haven't spoke in months Lena.. and you call me with a come get me. Not a hey how are you? Oh I'm good how about you? Type of conversation. Just a can you come get me like I'm some type of chauffeur" Riley scowls into the phone with disappointment. "How are you?" Lena speaks quietly as if she was embarrassed or ashamed she called for a favor instead of concern. She should've been concerned but she wasn't, it was clear. "I'm fine. How are you?" Riley asked back in anger. "I'm hanging in there. Look... I just need you to come and get me. Please" Lena begged as if she was scared to stay a minute longer. "Why do you sound scared. What's going on?" Riley questioned her. "I can't talk about it over the phone. I just need someone to come get me as soon as possible. I will text you the address" Lena speaks with fear. Honestly... Riley feared for Lena in this moment because she had never been this anxious to leave anywhere in her entire life unless her life depended on it. "Alright, Send me the address" Riley finally agreed.

Somehow Riley regret the moment she got into her car to pick up Lena because not only was she suppose to be having dinner with Gene she was supposed to be cooking it. She's the one that asked gene to be off for the night, nights like those were pretty rare for Gene. Quietly Riley waited in the parking lot growing impatient on Lena's arrival to her car. She hadn't seen Lena in months, close to a year and suddenly she gives Riley a call and she acts as if everything is normal. Lena Jackson left Riley's mind the moment Lena tried to mess up a relationship she had with the women she loved now. Just when she pulled the break off for her car to leave Lena pops out of the small container home with a big suitcase. In a hurry she ran for the car in the parking lot hoping that whoever she was running from wouldn't notice. Signaling to open the door quickly Riley follows swinging the passenger side door open for Lena and her gigantic suitcase. When she got inside her entire appearance was different. She looked different... she defiantly looked off... Lena was pregnant. "Wow" Riley spoke out as she noticed the belly bulging from the coat she had wrapped around herself. She had to be at least close to 5 or 6 months in the making. Lena didn't speak a word as Riley stared then started up the engine to back out from the driveway. She should've been asking questions before she agreed to pick Lena up in the first place but she didn't. The call had seemed to urgent, something close to a life or death situation... right now it didn't look that way, it looked close to a runaway situation.

               "You're awfully quiet" Lena finally spoke after driving silently for 2 entire hours. It still amazed Riley how well Lena could keep a secret but would want others to jump through dramatic hoops for her to keep it. "Didn't seem like you wanted to talk" Riley answers as she continued to drive without looking her way. "I'm the one with all the answers you should be the one asking for them" Lena pinpoints. "I picked you up remember, I stopped everything I was doing to come get you. I thought you were dying the way you sounded over the phone. So now.. I shouldn't be the one asking;  you should be the one telling because I could just turn this car around and send you back into whatever the hell you were running away from" Riley pinpoints back. This time Lena tensed up as Riley revealed her true meaning to why she wanted to leave so bad, she was running away. Clearly from someone who is going to wake up knowing she's left without a explanation. "I got married" Lena begin. "Married? I defiantly didn't get a phone call for something that special" Riley begin as if she felt broken that one of her used to be best-friends wouldn't invite her to something that important no matter how things might've ended. "It wasn't planned, it just kind of happened" Lena continues. "Kind of happened? Just like that baby kind of happened?" Riley tells her. "Are you going to sit there and judge me? Or are you going to listen?" Lena scowls out in anger. "Speak, because once I get to my condo you and I are going our separate ways. I don't know who you're running from but it isn't my business" Riley concludes.

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