You're Mines

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Riley Greenfield

The Thought of Gene coming home in just a couple of hours impatiently made Riley wish her day would speed up a little bit faster. Hot melting need kissed her boxers as she tried to carry her mind elsewhere which needed to be on work. Lena still rocked Riley's office acceptingly for now bringing in stacks of work repetitively. Their wasn't a day she didn't continue what she thought was best which for Riley only made her want to fire Lena even more. With a small irritated smile Riley accepts her stack of assignments and begin working to complete them all in due time.

Later On That Day
In 1 Hour Gene would be arriving back home preparing herself to settle in and possibly see Riley for the night. That's all Riley wanted right now as she slipped back up under the car she had been working on for hours. It enraged her that she was still here and not home preparing herself to see Gene. What would she tell her once she called? Knowing Riley had promised to fuck her senseless as soon as she got back. Quickly and skillfully Riley screws on the perfect piece for the car hoping to fix it earlier than she had anticipated. Immediately she pushes herself from under the car and gets up to start up the cars engine. With success the engine roars to life completing Riley's day with excitement. Maybe their was hope after all for some late night back-breaking sex.

                Remembering roses that Gene had once said she loved dearly caressed Riley's hands as she gathered the courage to knock on Gene's door. Without wasting another minute Riley knocks confidently. The sound of someone walking inside her home announced itself as it reached the door to answer. Seconds after the door swings open to Gene's almost naked frame. She was prepared this time as she said she would be. Patiently Gene cracks the door more open with a small but blushing smile welcoming Riley inside as if this were her first time. Riley accepted the invitation desperately walking inside without a word.

Those taunting torturing times was now coming to an end as Riley exercised her request against Gene's body. For a second Gene pulled against Riley's hair without permission punishing herself indefinitely. Riley was so sure that she had did it on purpose. With a smile Gene licks her lips submissively hinting that she was ready for whatever Riley had up her sleeve. Quickly Riley reacted unknowingly kissing ahold of Genes lips without consent or a say so. The zipper that kept Gene's boobs in place was zipped free releasing them both to the cold air. Aggressively Riley grips ahold of her beautiful breast grazing each nipple across her lips. The look Gene gave as she looked down gave Riley reassurance that Gene was in-fact loving the tease. "You have such perfect breast" Riley spoke out as she held onto both so firm. Hearing these words put a smile on Gene's face before Riley took that smile away instantly. Within seconds Riley's mouth was wrapped around both suddenly—her talented tongue slithered across each nipple gracefully testing Gene's temptation to want more without permission. Slowly Gene's head fell back in a lip bite accepting her attention as a reward. Every suck off one nipple to the next aroused Gene heavenly in front of Riley's embrace. The widening of her legs opening further approved Riley's attention which only meant one thing. Gene was beyond ready to get fucked, Her body was prepared for an intense session right about now. Minutes more on purpose Riley sucks back and forth even longer teasing Riley's walls to an unforgettable ending. "Fuck....!" Gene moaned Desperately gripping for any type of release. Squeezing with a grip ahold of Gene's perfect breast continued Riley's task further. Soon enough Riley stopped and captured Gene's warm ear against her teeth. "Tell me.. Whats your deepest fantasy?" Riley questions. "I want you to fuck me like no one else can, treat me like a slave until I beg you to stop in tears" Gene answered dirty-like and sexy. This time she could notice Gene was ready to show her a side she had never seen before.

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