Bitter Endings

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Gene Ress

Slow smoothing Jaz music danced itself around the entire club as attending guest welcomed themselves inside hoping to enjoy their night out. As for Gene she rocked the bar tonight with a glass of wine kissing her fingers as she watched Riley's rememberable performance. The moment Riley begin to sing everyone in the bar stopped what they were doing just to listen. Riley's voice was sweet like an angel but raspy like a sexy guitar player, she was amazing as any of it could've gotten tonight. The way Riley kept glancing Gene's way was unforgettable as she tried to focus on her drink instead of Riley who was clearly entertaining others with a beautifully written original, a song she had told Gene about before she arrived inside. Gene nodded slightly as she felt the sting of perfect timing to a choice she had made for their last night together.

                  After 3 beautiful songs Riley finally thanked her audience for listening and left the stage into the very demanding audience. Little did Gene know that Riley would push her way through the crowd to the not so crowded bar. Gene sipped from her 3rd glass of wine tonight savoring her last few gulps before she called it quits to her drinking habit. "I'll have a Heated Time" Riley requested as she threw her two fingers up to get the bartenders attention. Not even 3 seconds in and the bartender was already up and smiling Riley's way practically anxious to serve the woman who stood before her. Who wasn't anxious around Riley? With an amazing voice like that and a beautiful appearance to be reckoned with; made her way too perfect for just one person. "Serving right up" The bartender spoke with a smile just before she slipped Riley her requested drink minutes after. "Thank you" Riley spoke while slipping her a 100. Seconds after Riley's eyes were back on Gene who stood by the bar for 3 promising hours waiting on Riley's begging attention. Obsession was over-rated by the second she felt it. A step closer and Gene's heart throbbed to the max in her chest from Riley's sudden urge to pull Gene closer. Her smile told others and Gene otherwise as she brought her glass up to her lips in a full smile. Such a smile made Gene blush to life which brought out a smile of her own. "What did you think of my performance?" Riley cockily questions Gene. A slight but unforgettable giggle slipped from Gene's lips "If your asking me then ill truly say that it was amazing, but if your telling me as in a past tense manner then I would defiantly say it was worth seeing" Gene teasingly answers. Answering in a such a teasing manner spread a even bigger smile across Riley's face which wasn't just any simple or warm smile; No.. This was the smile of torture and pleasure from the intimidating aroma Gene clouded around Riley.. Something Riley couldn't handle to take so little-like. Clearly.. By now Gene wanted to run away from this moment hoping to gather a chance to do so. Without even given the chance to follow her minds directions for the nearest exit Riley destroys Gene's sanity with a simple sentence to her ear. I will deal with you later.. Those simple but intoxicating words raced Gene's heart the moment Riley pulled away for another sip to her wine glass. The smile on Gene's face was merely there anymore.. Just the push of her hair behind her ears and of course a face that was now completely red with a common reflection to true arousal. Something that held a private embarrassing action to her body's reaction to such dominance that would soon enough damage her for later timing.

             The night stood anxiously for Gene who stared her way over to Riley accepting her consequences in due time. Riley rocked her professional chit-chat as a minimum compared to her timing for later on. A few customers gathered Riley's attention just before she excused herself for those later activities that Gene now ran scared from. She was so sure by now Riley wanted her more than ever by the way she looked. Her look was so hypnotizing in a dark deepened trance when she wanted something desperately. Before a minute more was even given to Gene to think on Riley's later behavior; the sudden presence of her was pronounced to Gene's attention. Rileys smile brightened Gene's way with power as she sipped from her almost empty glass with a quiet manner attached to her appearance. Slowly she took the empty seat in-front of Gene and took another over-waited sip. "Are you ready to head home?" Riley questioned her forwardly. Without a doubt to a truthful answer like that Gene answers with confidence and agreed on going home. Whatever Riley had in store for.. gave Gene enough time to prepare herself for raw damage.

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