Pain & Torture

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Gene Ress

Tapping her phone against the desk once more is what Gene did as she sat in her office contemplating on the idea of calling her parents. Their obviously wasn't much she could do as soon as she got the phone call that her beloved dad was on his last wheels of life. How could she see him that way? Why didn't she have enough time? And why was everything bad happening to her? The same message was heard this morning as devastating news, her story teller that once rocked a bedroom on the second floor had passed this morning from a massive heart-attack. Every night Gene made sure she'd see him before she left work which she did just that and kindly didn't miss a day. Those devastating words locked her in her office for two whole hours and she bawled her eyes out. Gene had grown very fond of the old man, checking in on him every night just to hear another part to his beautiful story. A story that was absolutely unrealistic in a lifetime such as this one. People didn't want the hard unbearable love that took someones heart and soul to make it work-No.. they wanted what could be handed so easily but broken so fragile. No matter the cost of love... someone was always giving up because it was "Too hard" or because they saw someone else more "Attractive". No one lives off the idea that the person they were with now, would actually die if they saw the one they loved happier or even saved from danger. Nothing like that happened today, either your loved one was the killer to a life or just simply heart-breaking to another. The tears Gene welded up hours ago just couldn't stop falling down her cheeks. The pain she had welded up inside haunted her with regret and loss from both sides. If she had came earlier than maybe.. she could've saw Mr. Flinn before he passed or just maybe.. if she saw her father more often she'd be prepared for a major loss in her life, that maybe she could've coped with knowing her father would past soon if she were ever there. Now all she could do was regret not being by his dying side as he took his last breath of life without her. Without explaining matters further to her co-workers Gene heads home to pack-preparing herself for a road-trip she wasn't that much ready for.

                    The tears that fell earlier from Gene's eyes had came to a stop as she rested against her soft broken more than ever. She still could not believe what she heard hours ago, she didn't want to believe that all of it was true. All Gene wanted now was a true shoulder to lie on until what felt painful was just a figure of emotional relief. Quickly Gene pulled out her phone and dialed Riley's number. After two very long rings Riley picks up. Her tone as she spoke was almost worried for Gene's sudden phone call. Usually Gene would be at work around this time, clearing the hallways from diseases to sick patients or just normally putting her phone on silent from anyone unless of an emergency such as the one she got earlier today. "Gene?" Riley's questions, clearly concerned over the phone for a explanation. "Hey Riley" Gene finally spoke up shaking within her own response, trying to hold herself together. "Is everything okay?" Riley's begins to ask. "I'm not completely sure" Gene answers back as much as her mind could come up with. As of right now Gene felt blank to life, her mind was scattered as if it didn't know a thing of what was truly happening. As herself she felt so empty, so unaccomplished and most of all ashamed at her own success. For once she could've took time off from her job to see her parents but instead she let her pride cloud her away from family. Now what did she have? Nothing. "What happened? Talk to me?" Riley's begins to question frantically, Demanding answers from Gene as they spoke. The change in rooms came to notice as the change in Riley's background became a more quiet one, which meant she was back in her office away from co-workers or cars in general. "My father is dying and I feel so ashamed, regretfully and broken Riley, I'm not even sure if I should show my face after all this time" Gene begins to explain with tears welding in her eyes all over. "Fuck... Gene, I'm so sorry that his time is up. I'm sorry that you didn't hav the time to do what you wanted but we both know that their was absolutely nothing you could've done to change what's happening right now. You know that right?" Riley concludes. "I know , I just-I just wish it was different Riley. I wish we had a better relationship, anything to see him smile even if it wasn't a big one. I just want to see him before he goes, but I'm not sure he wants to see me" Gene tells. "Your his daughter, I'm sure his dying wish is to see your face one last time. I'm sure when he sees his daughter he'll light up like a candle stick and realize what an amazing woman you've become. Your amazing Gene and no one but you can take that away, even in this lifetime I don't even think you have the guts to do such a thing. So I'm telling you this now, If you don't go.. You won't get that smile you're hoping to see" Riley informs on telling. "How do you know that he'll smile because of me? I'm a disappointment to my family. I can't even fulfill one simple task they have even asked of me" Gene explains. "Fuck what your family thinks of you, right now it's about doing what you know what will make him smile not what you think you need to be doing. They were only harsh because they knew you could do better, but now is not the time to sulk in what you could've did to fulfill what would've been unhappiness for you, You Gene are your own woman. You're a boss and a good one at that, Maybe not doing what they told you to do is probably one of the best things you could've done for yourself. Trust me on this one, when he sees you he'll be proud of what you became because you are not like the others. You're Gene fucking Ress. Live up to your golden name and see your damn father before he passes, that's all he wants. That's all any father wants, is to see their kids happy with or without them. So please make his dream come true before he leaves this fucked up place" Riley lectures on completely correct throughout everything she said. "You're right" Gene finally agrees—"I should go see my father". Quickly Gene grabs her bags and begin to roll them out to the trunk of her car ready to see her father.

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