Leyla meets her eyes. "Spogmay isn't thrilled about my ways."

"That's right."

"Then why are you?"

Gulalai chuckles but Leyla hears it only as a broken melody— remorseful and aching. "Didn't I tell you before already? Because you remind me so much of your late brother. He had the same golden heart as yours."

Leyla swallows, unable to comment further. Gulalai stares away into the void and shakes her head.

"I remember making a promise to him," she mumbles.

"What promise?" Leyla inquiries.

"He asked me if I ever had to choose between him and my happiness, I must choose the latter." Gulalai toys with her wedding band. "I told him he was my happiness and he said if someday he can no more give me that, I should let him go." She looks back to Leyla. "I haven't broken my promise to him though. His memories still give me happiness, so I refuse to let go."

"Gul," Leyla takes her hands in her own, "I wish for a lot of things, but I wish for Lawangeen's presence the most."

"I'm sure my husband is happy in heaven. I wonder if he misses me."

"He must."

Gulalai bites her lip. "He taught me how to love when I didn't find any of it between my parents and had no faith in it. Brekhna?"


She looks into Leyla's eyes meaningfully. "Spogmay will be home in a few days. Neither her nor I are fond of your husband. But if anyone can soften his twisted heart, it's you."

"I'm not sure."

"Were it not the case, God would never have arranged your meeting."

"I'm to take divorce from him, Gul," Leyla reminds her, sighing. "What am I to do? Teach him to love and then leave him?"

"No." Gulalai shakes her head. "Teach him to love God so he can truly live."

Leyla stays silent, taking in her words.

"If you decide to go to him, let me know." Gulalai takes a step back from her. "I shall get going now."

Leyla watches her retreating form until she's only a small figure slowly disappearing. She closes her eyes, exhaling puffs of mist as she breathes. Looking out at the lake one last time, she leaves too.

"Your ladyship?" Waleed utters with surprise when he finds Leyla standing at the threshold of his master's house. "I did not expect your arrival. Marhaba." He steps aside to let her inside.

Leyla thanks him and enters the house. "I'm sorry to come unannounced."

"Oh no, my lady. You can come anytime. I'm sure his lordship will be glad to have you."

Leyla highly doubts it, but doesn't comment. She unbuttons her coat as her eyes scan the living room. "Where is Burq?"

"In his bedroom, my lady."

"Did he have dinner?"

"No, he refused to have the soup I brought him."

"He dislikes soups, Waleed." Leyla turns to him. "Is there nothing else he can eat?"

"He has been sick since last night. He refuses anything I try to feed him."

Leyla frowns. "What happened?"

"Flu and fever, my lady."

Her heart clenches. "Why wasn't I informed?"

"His lordship did not wish so."

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