Secret Confessions

Start from the beginning

"You really have kelp for brains don't you." Thalia said pursing her lips "Gods dammit Percy you like her just admit it please and stop dancing around the subject with your fancy wording which might I add you learned from Annie!"

Her whole face went a flush of red from the lack of breath she had while she yelled.

I looked down at my shiny black dress shoes and navy blue dress pants before looking back up.

"You know I hate it when your right" I said before feeling the blush creep onto my face.

Thalia smirked triumphantly like she just won the worlds biggest bet. And knowing my family there probably was one. Especially Coral she ran almost every betting pool at camp.

"Well you better learn to live with it." She said before heading out the door.

I followed and walked around aimlessly trying to get my thoughts together and wrap my head around what I just admitted.

"Hi your Highness" a familiar red head said peeking her head through a doorway.

"Oh hi Lady Rachel how are you" I asked trying to be polite I mean my mom raised me right.

"I'm fine just working on some painting and you can stop calling me Lady we know each other well enough by this point." she said sporting a pretty smile.

I really wanted to know what she meant by well enough. I mean sure we had quite a few dates but that's all. Annabeth knows me better than I know myself sometimes I mean she is also the first and only girl I have ever kissed.

I politely chuckle and almost turn to leave before she grabs my hand.

"If your not busy would you mind taking a look at a few."

I mentally groan but smile and nod my head.

Thanks a lot mom why did you have to teach me to be polite, love you. I think before I'm dragged into the room 100% sure I'm going to miss my lesson with Chiron and be persecuted for it.

Leo's POV:

Gods! I had it bad.

Now I know what your all thinking "The Leo Valdez Super sized McShizzel Bad Boy Supreme has it bad but who and where can I find this girl to kill her". Ladies you will all always have a special place in my heart but now my heart belongs to someone I can't have.

Let Uncle Leo tell you all a little story. It started a few years ago when I met the Royal Family. Yes I am a prince myself. Anyway Coral and I hit it off the bat and started to hang out a lot becoming fast friends.

Apparently all our other friends and family thought this was weird and then put two and two together thinking we liked each other.

Like ew no she's like a sister me. I was gonna tell them straight out but Coraline thought it would be funny to see how far they would all go.

Connor came to me talking about how I broke bro code and didn't speak to me for an entire week. But that is all in the past now cause Connor and Coral are now together and it is beyond cute.

Anyway back to fabulous me. Where was I again? Oh yeah right I got it bad for a forbidden girl.

Now normally that makes things so much better, spicy-er, what all wattpadians like. Some forbidden romance.

I'm all for that but the only problem is she either thinks I'm a complete dork or doesn't notice me at all.

So your all probably wondering who this majestic dame who caught the heart of mwa.

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