iii. the stoplight party

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SCHOOL WAS pretty much as shitty as i intended. felix and i didn't work together on the project, which made the both of us get a big fat F. camryn and andrew actually managed to get B on theirs, which would be enough to impress her parents. my mother would have to care less since well, she doesn't stay updated on my school grades nor my actual academics since she's always away. sure, it gets pretty lonely not having a parent at home but i guess it's fun being able to eat ice cream anytime you want.

"today can't get any worse.." i sighed through my hands, as they were placed over my eyes from anger. "oh wait, it just does." i said, giving camryn a snarky face that basically said "kill me."

"oh come on, i know you're excited for the stoplight party." camryn smiled as she looked through her locker.

"yes because i'm so excited to wear green to show every boy at a party that i'm available to hit on." i sarcastically said, rolling my eyes. i hate the stoplight party. last year was my first year going and it was the absolute worst. every guy had a free past to flirt with me, just because i wore green. green is for if you're open to dating somebody, yellow for if you're into someone and red for if you're taken or not interested in anybody.

"i already have a really cute yellow dress pick out for the party," camryn rambled on, having a huge smile across her face before seeing my blank expression. "and i'm not helping at all." she said, dropping her hands to under her chin.

"no no, i'm glad things are going well with you and andrew. at least one of us is doing well." i said, giving her a sympathetic smile.

"me too." she smiled, almost too much this time. were things going well?

THE BASS from the rap music pounded profusely through my head, giving me the biggest headache. thank god for ibuprofen or it would be worse. camryn ran the opposite direction from me as she saw andrew, going to talk to him. i felt all the eyes on me as i walked through the party, wearing my all green jumpsuit with a bucket hat. let the games begin.

"hey bambi.." the random boy came up to me as i poured myself a drink. he gave a sloppy wink and a smile that made me want to vomit. "you want a real drink? there's ones in the back!" he pointed to the backyard.

"no, i think i'll stick with this gross, musty beer but thanks for the offer." i smiled, turning on my heel and walking away, with a classic eye roll coming from myself. this is going to happen all night.

i tried my best to party, knowing i would be alone most of the night. every once and awhile, camryn popped back in to update me with how things were going with andrew. though usually, i was stuck alone.

the crowd started to roar when victor showed up. he was pretty much the VIP of the night. he was newly picked to be on the basketball team, which gave him the popularity card and made him a town celebrity.

and of course, andrew had noted that. while camryn was away, probably getting them drinks, he swooped in, taking away victor and the basketball boys somewhere else, leaving felix to be by himself. and of course, he was gonna do something stupid, that being embarrassing himself in front of lake meriwether.

i gave him a slow clap as she walked away.

"smooth." i gave a sarcastic smile. in return, i received an eye roll and a storming away. go figure i guess.

THIS TIME, i was drug along with camryn to talk to andrew. he was kind of half assing talking to her, just because boys and other girls were around. half the time, all his friends stared at me, stealing several glances just from wearing green. victor was also there, still hanging around them, not really all too comfortable to be with these unfamiliar people.

"where've you been?" felix slurred, clearly having one too many to drink. victor gave him a light laugh.

"hey, i've been with the guys. is, everything okay?" victor asked him.

"well, you were gone awhile. so, in order to calm my crippling social anxiety, i made a new friend." felix laughed, looking at the red solo cup before taking a drink.

victor looked to his phone before leaving felix to go elsewhere. don't blame him. felix quickly passed out where victor was prior, beginning to go unconscious.

and of course, the jocks had noticed. andrew asked some girl around them for a sharpie, quickly but quietly going over to felix. they began to write on his face, snickering as they did so. i gave camryn a look before rising to my feet, pushing andrew's shoulder back.

"what the hell is wrong with all of you? he's unconscious, leave him alone!" i yelled. they all gave me a look of confusion, acting like i was delusional or something.

"lone stone? he's a loser!" andrew laughed, receiving high fives from all his yes men.

"or maybe, you're all just dicks!" i said, scoffing.

i pushed past the jocks, waking up felix. he looked like he didn't know where he was, confused with his surroundings. yet, he still slung an arm around my shoulder as i helped him upstairs to a bathroom. he was very agreeing with me, actually letting me help him up.

i sat down felix on the toilet seat and i grabbed a washcloth from underneath the sink, wetting it down and wiping down felix's face.

"woah, bambi? you're actually being not the devil for one second?" he laughed, feeling his head buzz, then groaning in pain.

"seems unbelievable but yes. i didn't want to let those dicks get away with yet another thing." i rolled my eyes at the thought of those idiots.

"where's victor?" he asked.

"i think with mia maybe. why, miss your best friend?" i smiled to him for once.

"no." he got defensive like a small child.

i simply just laughed as he shoved my shoulder.

"there's the she devil." he laughed as well. we're were surprisingly getting along.

i threw the cloth into a laundry bin, seeing felix's fresh cleaned face, all his features glistening with a bit of a shine.

"i think what you're looking for is a thank you." i laughed. "and you're welcome." i smiled. i began to walk away before felix got up off the toilet seat.

"hey," he started as i turned back around. "i mean since victor and mia are busy, how about we do something?" he offered. what the hell? who was i talking to.

"woah woah woah, where'd felix go?" i gave him wide eyes, very confused to why he was still talking to me.

he simply laughed as he grabbed my bucket hat off my head and placing it on his.

"i mean, since you weren't a complete jerk and left me to embarrass myself even more, how about we hang out? also as a sorry for failing the project." he smiled, bouncing with his hands in his pockets.

"sure, what are we gonna do?" i hesitantly grinned.

"leave that up to me." he said, giving me that goddamn smile.

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