ix. get it together

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"DID YOU have an identity crisis of some kind that i missed?" i stood in the big stall of the school bathroom with camryn.

"can you please just help me? i can't walk around looking like this!" i was panicking, losing my mind over what i had done to my hair. "i have a hat but i need help getting my hair in it. cam, please just help." i said, giving her a look of helplessness.

she stuck out her hand. "give it here." i handed her the hat, the bucket hat to be exact, the one felix wore at the stoplight party. she took a few approaches to tucking away my hair but ultimately got it in. i'm not sure how she did it but that's not important. the important part is that i got in there.

"thank you so much, cam." i had my body turned to the door, ready to leave.

"what made you do it, bamb?" she asked, her arms crossed over her chest. damn it.

"well if you MUST know," i said, very dramatically. "felix came to my house yesterday and was asking for advice with lake and well, i gave him advice. but it upset me so bad, i took my aggression out on my hair. and that's how i'm in this mess." i said, pointing to the hat.

"because you like him?" she asked.

"well duh." i fiddled with my fingers.

cam began to do this little "i told you so" dance or something that made me giggle.

"well we gotta do something about this." she said.

"about what? my hair?" i asked.

"no! we gotta get you with felix, and i have just the idea." she smirked.

when camryn has an idea, chances are it's not going to end well and i can already feel the ending not being great.

"ALRIGHT CLASS, i hope you read the pages that i assigned to you over the weekend because we will be going over them." mrs maddox began to talk as i flipped through the pages of the book. i noticed the eyes staring at me, as my hair wasn't visible from camryn's job of being able to conceal it all.

"mrs maddox?" lake raised her hand, as i heard her voice from behind me. "as much as i would like to dive in immediately, i can't concentrate over the breaking of dress code. hats are forbidden to be wore during school hours." she stared daggers into the back of my head.

"right.. i'm sorry bambi but as lake stated, hats are prohibited to be wore, please remove it from your head immediately." she gave me sympathetic look. why does lake meriwether have to be so entitled to her opinion, it's irritating.

"o-okay." i said, very soft spoken as i began to tug at the hat. my hair fell into my face as everyone gasped around me. i heard murmurs from around the room, girls whispering to their other friends. i couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing, i was just trying to ignore it as best as i could.

THE CREEK secrets post; bambi kinsey debuts new hair: cute or puke?

"who writes these posts?" camryn looked at her phone of the post.

"lake, thats who. she was all, "miss maddox, blah blah against the rules." you'd think some people are decent but no, they just keep proving me wrong time and time again." i slammed my locker door shut, making an echoed noise in the hallway.

"that's why it's you and me against the world." camryn smiled, trying to make me feel better.

"yeah.." i looked to my shoes, still feeling horrible about my hair, the post, just about anything really.

"is there something more to this? like in the ballpark of a certain boy?" camryn said, trying to pry me of my secrets.

i groaned, not wanting to say anything but also not wanting to keep it from her. i grabbed ahold of her wrist, dragging her into the janitor's closet.

"so?" she shrugged, still wanting to know.

"yes. i don't understand why felix has to like lake so much. she brings nothing to him. and from what he says and what i've seen, he's the only one making the effort." i admitted.

"it's a crush, bambi, that's what they do. crushes try and try, time after time to go after the people they like. it's like you with felix." she said.

"what the hell are you on about?" i asked.

"the time you tried to get felix to not hate you at the winter carnival, when we put that scheme together to get you two on the ferris wheel. it was your way of acting upon your feelings, even though you hadn't realized it." she said.

"damnit, you're always right, cam." i chuckled lightly.

"which is why i'm gonna help you get your man." she smiled at me.

"how? it wouldn't work, considering he's too focused on lake.." i fiddled with my fingers, feeling all my insecurities rush into my head.

"would you quit that?" cam said, grabbing my hands and holding them. "look at me, bambi sienna kinsey!" she ordered, as my eyes lingered up to face hers. "you are the most amazing, beautiful and quite literally the best person i've ever met. you can't let some blonde, prissy girl get you down, knowing that there isn't even a competition between you two since you beat her by a long shot. i cannot watch you continue to tear yourself down over a stupid boy not liking you, it's his loss if he doesn't. i will do everything in my power to get you two together because i love you, bamb. okay? you deserve all the love in the world, even if it's just me being your number one supporter, trying to get you the boy of your dreams."

i was on the verge of tears as i threw my arms around camryn. i didn't deserve her and i hope she knew that because she's the only person i could ever rely on, time and time again. "i love you too, cam." i said into her shoulder blade. i felt her chin twitch as she smiled.

"let's get you your man."

"okay." i smiled in response.

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