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Ashton told me everything he knew about Calum, which wasn't much. He was always seen with a book in his hands and earbuds hanging out of his hoodie. Apparently, no one really knew much about him, but he didn't seem to mind. He moved from a small town a few hundred miles away and seemed to like it here.

"What's so interesting about him anyway," Luke asked, leaning against the locker next to mine. Once lunch had ended, we all went inside together and each went to our lockers.

I shrugged. "I don't know, he just seems like he's lonely." I didn't understand why I was so hung up about it, but I couldn't stop thinking about him since he looked at me. His eyes were beautiful and held so many emotions that I was surprised he didn't burst.

"Why don't you and Katie come over tonight," Michael randomly suggested. "I could use some help on my math and Katie told me you were really good at it."

"She told you what?" I asked. I was horrible at math, my best subject was english.

Katie widened her eyes and smiled sheepishly. "It can't be too hard, Val. Plus, Luke said there was a party down the street from his house that we could go to."

Of course she would agree to go to a party, she's the kind of person who could party every night and not get bored of it. I, on the other hand, loved to stay in and read. You'd think she'd get it through her head eventually, but there were still times where she couldn't help herself.

Luke beamed. "Yeah, my friend Louis is throwing one and said I could invite anybody. You two should come."

"I don't know," I said slowly. "I'm not really the party type."

Luke pouted, making his lip ring stick out further. "Please?"

"I barely even know you, let alone your friend."

He scoffed. "We all talked the entire lunch period. Except Michael; I think he might have a phone addiction." He poked my cheeks repeatedly, "so will you go?"

"If you stop poking me," I said, slapping his hands away.

He threw his arms in the air and high fived Ashton who stood there with a huge grin on his face.

"But, I'm not staying there long, my dad only allows me out until twelve."

"Fine by me, we can leave at eleven and just hang out at mine for an hour." He looked at the watch on his left hand. "We need to get to class, though. Meet us in the parking lot?"

Katie nodded, "yeah, but which car is yours?"

Michael snorted. "It's the beat up mini van."

"I think it's quite nice," Ashton said and played with one of the bracelets on his wrist.

"You think everything's nice."

"I do not. You're not nice."

"You're a five year old."

"You're a box of idiots."

"That doesn't even make sense, you fucker."

Ash covered his ears and said rather loudly, "No swearing!"

I rolled my eyes and tugged Katie's arm so we could get to class. "We'll see you at 3:20."

Luke smiled. "Perfect, we're parked in the back parking lot."

Katie led the way to home economics and we arrived just before the bell rang. I took my usual seat in the back and she took her seat towards the front. We were given assigned seats at the beginning of the semester and I hated it. Not only was I the only one without a partner, I was also the only one in the entire back row. Mrs. Harris said that we'd get someone transferred in, but it's been weeks and I wasn't convinced.

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