15. Cherry Amaretto

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I spent the night looking through old family photos. So many were taken in front of The Creamery, or had it standing somewhere in the background. It seemed like a massive waste not to revamp the store, it wouldn't take much work after all. I closed the album and crawled into bed.

Nicely wrapped up like a burrito in my sheets, I felt myself drifting off to sleep when I heard something tapping on the screen door. My mom had been asleep for an hour and a half by now, so I put on the first shirt I can find and go to answer the door. Looking at the clock, its a little past midnight so my bet is that Camille wanted a sleepover. I quickly flipped the locks and opened the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well that's a nice way to greet me," Cameron says as he leans against the door frame.

"My question still stands," I say while stepping outside so that the bugs don't go inside. "Its, like, midnight."

"Exactly." He said as if it was obvious. "The night is young and so are we."

"Yeah, well, Ana is tired and so she wants to sleep," I yawned as I grabbed the door handle. Cameron grabbed my arm and I froze.

I looked into his warm eyes and melted as he said, "Please?"

I groaned and pretended to make a fuss as if I wouldn't have given him my left kidney if he asked with those eyes. "Fine, but I work in the morning." Cameron vaguely made a noise celebrating his success as I went inside and grabbed my phone. When I got back outside he was smiling and texting on his phone.

"Ready?" I asked while shoving flipflops on.

"I am, but you aren't." Cameron laughed slightly. I panicked and gave him what I hoped was an inquisitive look. When he couldn't hold back his laughter, I broke.

"What?" I snapped.

"Ana, you aren't wearing any pants." Shit.


Once I had slid a pair of shorts on and tucked my gigantic tee into the front, I was actually ready to go. I stepped out onto the deck and Cameron looked up with a smile.

"There we go," he joked, "can't have you running around without pants, can we?"

"Oh shut up." I groaned and started to walk away. I heard him start to follow behind.

"Hey, I never complained, did I?"

"You didn't even tell me that I didn't have pants on."

"Maybe I thought you always answer the door like that?"

"You've knocked on my door and I've answered wearing pants before, nimrod." I rolled my eyes.

"It was a coincidence," he laughed. "So Brad, Camille, and Jacob are already there so lets get a move on."

"What where are we going?"

"Out, silly," he cooed with a boop to my nose. "I just have to stop at my house first, I wasn't sure if you would come so I left my stuff there."

I sat on the curb as Cameron disappeared into his garage. There were various clanging and slamming noises as I watched the moths fly into the lamp post. Soon, a cooler bag rolled down the drive way on a long board and passed me going out into the street.

"You're not a good catcher, you know?" Cameron said as he ran past me to retrieve the board.

"It's not like you warned me." I stood up and brushed the pebbles off my butt. He didn't say anything, just beckoned with his arm for me to follow.

We walked in silence for quite a bit, but it gave me lots of time to watch Cameron. The passing street lights danced across his face showing me all all of his curves and angles. I was so intent on watching how the freckles across his nose disappeared in the shadows that I almost didn't notice when he stopped walking and picked up the board and bag.

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