9. Lemoncello

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When I got off work, Camille met me outside. We walked together, absentmindedly chatting, so that I could take out the trash before we headed home. Camille hit me after I answered how my break went.

"No freaking way," Camille's jaw dropped. "Ana-bobana, the definition of cute-guy avoidant, spent her whole break with the volleyball hottie? Who are you and what did you do with my best friend?"

"Shut up." I shoved her. "You're talking as if I'm boy-repellent. I just have a quiet personality until I'm comfortable."

"Yeah and when you're around nice looking boys, your quiet personality goes silent." Camille raised her eyebrow at me and I had to let her win the argument.

"Okay fine, so I'm normally a blundering idiot, does that make you feel better?" I acquiesced. "It was just nice because Cameron and I seem to just click. I think we would make really good friends."

"Really?" Camille questioned. "Just good friends?"

"Maybe even best friends." I teased her with my tongue sticking out. She punched me in the arm in retaliation.

"Seriously though, is there any chemistry between you two?" she asked.

"I don't know," I answered. "How am I supposed to know, I've never had a guy interested in me before."

"Oh bullshit," Camille said.

"Hey, you only see me a few months out of the year," I pointed out.

"I still know you and your personality, dumb-dumb." Camille retorted as we turned onto our road. "I saw Marissa's van in your drive, are they still at yours?"

"I mean probably," I said. "Its only Saturday."

"I'm sorry babe but you know how I feel about kids." Camille said and then shuddered.

"'They're snotty and full of germs and I don't hang out with people who don't wipe their own ass.'" I said with her.

"I know, I wouldn't expect you to come over with the circus in town." I said with a smile. We went our separate ways, and I continued across the road to my cottage.

Inside I was greeted by Noah who was stalling on his way to bed. Once he had gotten all the extra minutes he could out of me and he was sent to bed, I went scavenging in the kitchen for a snack. Once I was seated at the kitchen table munching on my corn chips and dip, Mum came inside from the backyard.

She set the marshmallows she had in her hand on the counter before turning to me. "Oh goodness, I didn't realize that you were home already." I looked outside to the window and saw the quickly darkening sky.

"Mum, it's like, nine o'clock," I said. "Where else would I be?"

"Oh Ana," Mum rubbed my shoulder. "It wouldn't kill you to go out sometimes instead of spending all your time here."

"I get out!"

"Not at work or with Camille?" She had me there. I crunched a chip and left the table to message Camille.

Outgoing: I get out, right?

Camille: HA!

Camille: That was a joke, right?

Camille: Ana?

Outgoing: Open your window.

I purposefully ignored the questioning look from Marissa as I shoved flip flops on my feet and exited with a backpack slung over my shoulder. I crossed the road and crawled through Camille's hedges. I pulled myself up the trellis below Camille's window and crawled through when she opened the window.

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