ABDUCTED????, Is That Good Or Bad??

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Lexi's POV

I woke up to the feeling of something cold, pressed against my back and my head was banging.

Did I drink last night?, Is this what a hangover feels like??

If so, am never drinking again!!!

I groaned in pain and tried to open my eyes and DAMN, Was it bright in here!!.

I thought I told Susan to never open my curtains. I adjusted my eyes to the light and looked around, and I would be lying if I said I did not expect what I saw, the whole place looked like the inside of an android. It was filled with weird tech that am positive haven't been created yet.

Any normal person would freak and practically scream their head off wondering where the fuck they were, but me being me ,the first thing I noticed was,


I admired the tech around me, you know being the nerd that I am, I saw my phone and earbuds on what I assumed was the table. I was still busy admiring the place when I heard some footsteps come from something that looked liked floating codes, which I guessed was the door.

And of cause being me again, I stared right at the door or flying codes if you would please.

I saw the figure of someone approaching, no, two people. And boy if I say that I wasn't curious about who the fuck kidnapped me, and why they kidnapped me, then I would be lying. As if on to clear my thoughts, two figures walked in through the flying codes, and forgive me if I do say so myself but they were HOT and when I say HOT , I meant 'Smoking Hot Peppers Hot'.

But something about them seemed.....different, their skins looked so smooth and as I said before they were handsome, too handsome and let me not get started on their clothes, they looked dressed straight out of an anime video game. Their eyes had an unnatural glow in them. Their whole look seemed so.........ALIEN.

They seemed to notice that I was awake, they stared at me with literal shock written all over their faces, and of cause my momma taught me to return favours, so I did so, but not with shock of cause , I stared at them with nothing but sheer amusement.

They looked like they expected me to react differently to the situation,I mean I would be too, if I were a kidnapper, and I kidnap someone just to find them awake, with an amused look in her eyes, instead of screaming for help, crying and begging me not to hurt her, I would think,


It seemed my thoughts were correct because almost instantly, the younger looking word said something in a language that seemed to only scream, ALIEN!!, at my face. I knew then that I was right once again and that these weren't your average human beings. I had the urge to laugh at how good my guesses were but decided otherwise, I mean who would laugh at the fact that they had just been kidnapped by aliens.

The older looking alien looked quite annoyed at what the younger looking one said, but am not even sure of their ages so it remains just a guess. The older one smacked the younger one at the back of his head, the younger one pouted and muttered something inaudible that I didn't understand. The older one seemed to have heard him, because he opened his eyes so wide, I thought it would pop out.

He prepared to hit the younger one again this time much harder than before, I couldn't hold myself any longer but I also didn't need any attention on me, so I laughed softly and as if on cue, they both turned their heads and stared at me wide eyed.

Unknown's POV

I made my way towards the control station, the human was safely secured in the containment room.

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