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Axelir's POV

The introduction had been over since yesterday.

I was dead worried for Lexi.

Why would the King and Queen make such decision without getting anyone's advice first?

I kept on thinking for reasons behind their actions, but I didn't get anywhere, instead I got a headache. I turned in my bed and snuggled deeper into my blanket, I felt the light turn on, it was so bright I screeched and hid myself under the blanket like a vampire.

'' You need to get off from bed Axelir, the introduction was yesterday and am pretty sure your not the only one concerned for her'', I peeked out of my blanket and took a good look at Zaren, he was on a towel and water was dripping from his hair, he looked annoyed.

It's days like this I wonder why he is my roommate.

'' Axelir, you have to stop thinking to much about this, maybe shes safe where she is??'', Zaren said the last part quietly as if h was unsure of himself, I knew what he said had some truth to it, but we cant be too sure.

I sighed and sat up, I was very confused at the moment,

'' We will get through this, and I think we need to check Lexi for attraction powers'', Zaren said, I chuckled at the last part, he was kinda right, we only met her in the ship and we already think of her as Family.

I stood up and got into the bathroom, I put on the shower and waited for it to warm up. I put my hand under the water and felt it warm up, I sighed and closed the door, its been five days since we took Lexi from earth, I don't even know if she have eaten a single drop of food since then. I sighed and got into the shower.


I turned off the tap and got out from the shower, I tied the white bath towel around my waist and headed out the room. Zaren was busy on his HOLO [ phone ], he didn't notice me as I came out from the bathroom and headed to my closet.

I put in my retina for the cupboard and heard the clicking sound, I stood in front of my closet, wondering what to wear, I was about to pick one of my casuals when I had the whishing sound of the door. I looked at Zaren, he had dropped his HOLO and was lookin at me, he opened the hidden latch under the bed and brought out a RADIANT gun, I pulled out my UROP gun from my cabinet, just incase the intruder wore radiant protector [ a UROP bullet paralyzes the body of any one it comes in contact with, it drops their heart rate and makes them look dead, causing unthinkable pain to the victim. Only high class soldiers in Lyrnx own one and are allowed to use one ].

I prepared to shoot the intruder once he entered into the room, but I also remained calm. Only two other people could enter our room apart from me and Zaren, and I really didn't want to see them now.

The person fully entered the room and looked amused at what he saw,

'' Wow guys, you were meant to be expecting me, I'm kinda hurt you know'', I sighed and dropped the Urop gun back in the secret cabinet of my closet.

It was only Krillin, if only.

He was right, I didn't want to see him but I have been expecting to see him since yesterday, or Lex, or both of them. I took a deeper sigh and wore the clothes I had already chose before, I looked at Krillin he was seated on our sofa and crossed his hands over his chest, he had a poker face on but I knew my best friend better than that, the guy in front of me was furious,

'' Why did you guys do it?'', He asked us calmly, I gulped and looked at Zaren, he looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him, he turned to look at me, his face mirroring mine. We both knew Krillin well, anyone who saw him would think he was okay, but me and Zaren knew better.

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