"I get that. I hated this in the beginning, and I thought dressing up was a waste of time, but it is pretty fun now that I think about it" I agreed.

"See Estella? Looking pretty is fun!" Marlene rolled her eyes at me. I squinted mine and playfully slapped her shoulder.

"Are you saying I'm not pretty all the time?" I asked jokingly.

"Of course not, you just refuse to highlight all of your best features. I could help you!" She exclaimed in defense.

"I'm good Marls, thanks" I rolled my eyes this time, chuckling a bit.

"Suit yourself" She shrugged, grinning slightly. "All I know is, Sirius won't know what hit him when he sees you tonight"

"Sirius and I are going together as friends, keep that in mind" I reminded her, also trying to convince myself in the process.

"Oh please Estella, you can't be so daft! Sirius has never fought this hard for a girl in all the years I've known him. You aren't just another girl to him" Lily smiled to me "Maybe you'll even reign him in, finally force him to have a real relationship!"

"That would be great if I wanted a relationship!" I exclaimed, frustrated. "Just because Sirius and I are friends now does not mean I want to be more than friends. It quite literally means I want to be his friend. That's all"

"Why not just give it a chance?" Alice piped up.

"And ruin everything we've already built? Not even two months ago I hated Sirius. I never thought I would be calling him my friend. We've come so far and learned so much about each other. I don't want all of that to go to waste" I shook my head. "Sirius and I getting together would only end in heartache"

"Deny it all you want, but there is some serious chemistry between the two of you" Lily gave me a genuine look. "And you don't know what will happen until you try. I'm not saying you have to date him, but just keep that in mind" She shrugged. I just nodded along, sick of this conversation.

"Let's just go, we're gonna be late" I sighed, already making my way over to the door.

"Wait, Estella!" Marlene called to me. Lily already started making her way down the stairs but I went back.

"Quick picture please! Smile!" She exclaimed, holding up her polaroid. I smiled quickly, not wanting to be late. She snapped the picture and I quickly walked back out the door to see Lily had waited for me.

"Have fun ladies!" Marlene called to us as we left.

"Not too much fun!" Alice added and Lily and I laughed a bit as we closed the door behind us.

At the bottom of the stairs stood James and Sirius waiting for us. The common room was full of life seeing as it was a Friday night. James and Sirius both wore plain dress robes. They weren't too fancy but perfect for a dinner party. When we rounded the corner and my eyes met Sirius' I felt the butterflies in my stomach all over again. I couldn't help but admire how good he looked all dressed up.

James looked at Lily like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Sirius looked in awe at first when he saw me, but his face soon broke into a huge smile as I joined them at the bottom of the stairs.

"You clean up well Black" I joked, playing with the collar of his jacket before flattening it out again. I looked back up into his eyes.

"I could say the same to you, Cullen" He smirked, picking up a curl of my hair and twirling it around my finger before letting it drop again. I couldn't help but notice some of the girls in the common room staring at me and Sirius, some even glaring at me. I bit my lip and took a small step away from him, suddenly conscious of how close I was to him and how that probably looked to others.

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