Chapter 23 - Apology

Start from the beginning

"Ring On My Ears by ONEWE." She gladly told him.

"What does it mean to you?" He asked because to his understanding, the lyrics is about a musician who is passionate to put his music out there to comfort people who needed it. The ring on his ears means showtime and he needs to go up the stage again to give entertainment, make people happy, give his fans something to hold on to when they're alone and at the point of breaking, while leaving behind all his worries. The fact that he's putting his time and effort on something that might not be appreciated. His hard work might not pay off no matter many sacrifices he makes.

But still, he put his earrings on and goes up to the stage just to ease someone else's pain, and maybe to someone, his efforts might be worth it. To someone, he might be a big help.

"If you put it on a fan's perspective, I know how hard they work. I know how much talented and unrecognized they are to what they deserve." She told Sunghoon then suddenly the car became quiet.

Sunghoon was just sick of the scarf by now. He wanted to see Lia's reaction, and if he had offended her. At the same time, he feels like a hostage, being kidnapped, on the way to a warehouse where he's going to be tortured to death.

"But even for a little part of it I can relate." Lia continues. "I'm not okay." She paused for a while. "I've been trying to. I'm afraid that without Jay I may not be able to keep myself together. Growing up, he was all I have. He protects me, he takes care of me and he's always there to comfort me. Sure, he would disappear at times to 'God-knows-where' but he will always comeback with a smile. He leaves when he has to deal with himself. He didn't want me to see him break because he knew I rely on him so much." She smiles to herself, unable to recall Jay's smile even though it's been just a few weeks since she decided not to disturb him because he might be dealing with things on his own.

"Now that I wake up every morning, knowing that I won't be seeing him cooking on the kitchen when I go there, it makes it hard to untangle myself on my comforter. I just wanted to stay there and just stop my life until he's back again." Her voice sounds so sad now. "But little by little, I can now start my day on my own. It's hard to face the world without him, but I can do it now." Lia wiped the tears building up in her eyes.

"Lately I realized that before I leave my room, after I finish my make up, I put my earrings on, and I realized how relatable the song is, even though you're not a performer. It's my final touch before you face the world again, despite all the worries and all the problems I have." She said then laughed it off. She just realized she just got so emotional, and she's not even that close to Sunghoon yet.

The longest time they spent was when he gave her a few tips on figure skating for beginners, and that's it. Their other interactions were short and just teaming up to look for Jay when he's missing.

They're basically like Marlin and Dory looking for Nemo.

"Sorry for making this awkward. I'm probably just being stupid again." Lia muttered when Sunghoon was silent.

"No, you're not stupid. Don't say that." Sunghoon told her. "I was silent because it got me thinking. You're right, it's not always an earring, but every people put their final touches before they face the world." He said, because his last touch was a fake smile. It's what keeps him alive in this cruel world.

He faked a lot of smile before that people can't really tell if he's faking it.

"We're here!" Lia announced. She placed both of her airpods to Sunghoon to make sure he doesn't have a clue where they're going. After all, it's surprise.

Sunghoon followed Lia's lead and finally made him seat on a what seems to be a couch. It was freezing cold outside but when Lia made him seat, he sensed the door close and it's not so cold anymore.

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