Chapter 28: Chicken and Rice

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Harry POV:

"Alright, stand back," Draco muttered. Ginny and I rushed to crouch behind the sofa. "On three, two, one... CONFRINGO!"

A column of fire roared out of Draco's wand, heading straight towards the kitchen door. I had to shut my eyes and drop my head below the sofa, feeling the intensity of the heat against my forehead. When I felt the heat disappear, I raised my head again to look at the door. Nothing. The door stood tall and proud, not even a single scratch or scorch mark on its surface.

"Mark that one off," Draco sighed in disappointment. Luna scribbled through the next word on her list. "What's next?"

"Defodio," Luna offered.

Hermione huffed and sunk herself to the floor, looking thoroughly annoyed. "It's not going to work," she said miserably. "We've tried aberto, alohamora, bombarda and bombarda maxima. If those spells haven't worked, I'm telling you nothing will."

"We still haven't tried Defodio, or Expulso and Evanesco," Luna tried hopefully. "Or perhaps we should consider transfiguring the door into something smaller."

"Who do you think cursed that door, Luna?" Hermione asked rhetorically. "Dumbledore did. Dumbledore and his Elder Wand. There is nothing more powerful; we certainly aren't. No, we are meant to stay in here... we're not supposed to escape."

Luna sighed loudly and scrunched up her piece of paper, throwing it on the floor.

"But... but what about food?" Draco asked. "I left some chocolate in the fridge; just bought it at Hogsmeade. I bet Wally's eating it as we speak." He turned to face the door again and banged on it loudly. "Wally! Let us in!"

Ginny and I chuckled loudly, earning quite a few angry stares from others in the room. We had split ourselves up in factions, knowing that mingling would only aggravate us more. In the West Quadrant – next to the kitchen door – sat us from Hogwarts; in the North Quadrant – next to the stairway door – sat those from Durmstrang; in the East Quadrant – next to the hearth – sat Goode students; in the South Quadrant – next to the exit – sat the girls of Beauxbatons.

Adrian and Igor were lying down on the carpeted floor, already asleep despite it still being light outside. Krum sat next to them, staring at each group in turn, looking as if he was keeping guard. Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Hazel and Jason were playing a game of cards, looking almost as if they didn't have a care in the world. I scowled at them angrily. Ines was crying – Sarah attempting to sooth her – as she blubbered about how she would miss her boyfriend. Fleur sat apart from them with her head in a book (the only book in the room – it was about architecture, or something boring like that; Annabeth had left it on an armchair last night).

"Urgh, I can't believe this is happening!" Ginny mumbled, taking a seat on the sofa. "We're going to miss the Halloween Feast! It's supposed to be in two days."

Each of us looked at her in shock and groaned loudly. The Halloween Feast was a famous and treasured event; Hogwarts students looked forwards to it every year. It would host the best food, the best music and the best atmosphere. And this year, because of the arrivals of the other schools, Dumbledore had told us that we could dress up in Halloween costumes. I had been looking forward to it all week.

"No feast?" Draco sighed. "Now I really want to get into the kitchen."

"I hope we aren't trapped in here for too long," Hermione said glumly. "Lessons start on Monday – we can't afford to miss any of our classes."

"Speak for yourself," Ginny laughed dryly. "Luna and I aren't taking any exams this year. I wouldn't mind missing a few lessons. Perhaps this is the only advantage being stuck in here with those... idiots."

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