"Miller, what a surprise." He leered mockingly. "What are you doing here?"

Cory and Brayden snickered loudly.

Ugh, how was I going to get out of this one? I was at Cash's car, for god's sake.

"Ah..." I fumbled for an excuse. "I was just...Just..."

"Leaving," Cash cut in, casting me a meaningful stare. There was a tension in his face I hadn't seen in a long time.

My heart seemed to twist painfully. "Right." The word was dull on my tongue.

"No, no need to leave." Bryce grinned, showing every one of his teeth. "Miller can hang with the big boys if he wants to."

"That's okay." God, I was so not in the mood for this shit. "I'll pass."

I made to leave, but Cory and Brayden stepped in my way. I stumbled back a step, feeling my throat tighten.

No, not this again.

Tyson's face flashed into my mind, and I could've cried in that moment.

"What's this?" Cash muttered, sounding annoyed. "Let him go, Bryce."

"Why?" Bryce looped an arm around Cash's shoulders, smiling into his face. "You know, Tyson told me what you did to him, Cash. And I want to know why. Was it about Miller?"

"Why," Cash scoffed, with enough disdain I almost believed him, "would it be about Miller?"

"Oh, I don't know." Bryce hummed innocently to himself. "Maybe you're friends? Is that it? Are you two friends?"

"No," Cash said immediately. "No, we're not friends."

He shot me a look so full of superiority it almost knocked me over. "I would never be friends with someone like him. Miller means nothing to me."

Even Bryce seemed slightly taken aback. Thankfully, Cory and Brayden stepped away, and I had a clear path out of the car park.

"There you go, Bryce," I said cheerfully, tightening my bag strap over my shoulder. "I mean nothing to him." My voice sounded weird, even to me. "Satisfied now?"

Before anyone could respond, I trudged quickly from the car park, heading back toward the main buildings.

Only once I was out of their line of sight did I let the tears fall.

- - - -

"Alyx! Hey, Alyx!"

I paused mid-step as Cash's voice sailed through the air. Then I turned slowly, very slowly, to face him.

Cash had stopped a few paces away from me. His hair, usually immaculate, was slightly dishevelled, and there was genuine concern in his eyes.

"Hey," he said softly, daring a step forward. "Are you okay? Sorry about that...Those guys are dickheads."

"Then why do you hang out with them?" I demanded. The words came out sharper than I'd intended.

Cash looked startled. "I...I don't know." He scratched awkwardly at the back of his neck. "They've been my mates for so long. I don't-"

"Just because they're your friends," I could hear the tears in my voice, "doesn't mean they should get away with that shit. Treating people like that-It's not right."

"I know." Cash spread his palms, eyes wide. "God, I know. I'm sorry, Alyx. What can I do to make it up to you?"

Too much-It was too much. I couldn't do it anymore.

I didn't...I didn't want to do it anymore.

"No more apologies." I sounded tired-I was tired. "No more any of it. I've had enough. I'm done."

Cash's eyes widened further. His mouth parted slightly. "What...What are you saying?"

I stared over my shoulder, chewing on my cheek. "It's not fair on me," I said finally, turning back to him. "We've been doing the same thing-going around in circles-for so long. And I'm tired now." I smiled weakly. "So I'm done."

"Alyx," Cash voice wobbled with desperation, "you know things have to be like this. You know what would happen if people found out about us. We'd be-"

"Judged?" I lifted my chin. "Mocked? Ridiculed? Guess what, Cash, I already experience all of those things. So it doesn't matter to me. You're the one who's scared. You're the one who's afraid. And I feel sorry for you."

I turned away.

"Alyx, don't go." There were real tears in Cash's voice. I almost couldn't believe it. "Please. You can't-"

I glanced back at his face, and saw them there, the tears shining in his eyes. He looked so small. I never thought someone like Cash Smith could look small.

"I love you," he said suddenly.

There. Three words I'd been dying to hear from him, for so long, from the moment I'd set eyes on him.

Love me, love me, love me.

And he did.

My answering smile had no warmth. No emotion at all.

"It's too late for that."

A/N: Thankyou for reading!

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