Kitty - Tenzo/Yamato x reader

Start from the beginning

"Our shift is over in about an hour. Would you care to watch the last final rounds with me?" Kitty offered.

"Like a date?" Forgetting he couldn't see my face, a raised my eyebrows, and held no sarcasm in my voice. "Sorry, kitty. I've got plans," I lied. The only plan I had was to go home and sleep.

"It could be a date! Besides, although you're in the Anbu, I can see through your lies," he chuckled. I felt the tree widen into a real seat under me.

"Was that whole "saving" me thing just an act, just to get on my good side?" I rolled my eyes and sat back.

"N- no! those two have always been jerks. I was just looking out for you," he seemed to calm down a bit. I couldn't help but laugh at his distress. I nodded slightly, before moving my eyes to the streets.

"Let me think about it. If we do, you're paying for dinner and drinks afterwards, Kitty," I smiled, seeing him frantically nod.

"You've got a deal. It's all on me today, Hawk," I knew I couldn't see his face, but by the way his voice picked up, I knew he was smiling.

An hour passed as we silently perched in the tree. I thought about it, and after weaseling my way into free dinner and drinks, I was down to go with Kitty to watch the final round. Although, I didn't care much for the fight it's self, I was drained.

The next group fulfilled their guard duties, taking our places. "Alright, Kitty. I'll go with you. The last match starts in about a half hour, right?" I walked next to him, keeping space between us.

"Yeah. What do you want to do until then?" He asked, both of us keeping our masks on.

"Walk me home to change, Kitty. If you're so gentlemanly, you'll see to it I'm safe, won't you?"

"Absolutely," he agreed. We walked back to my place, I invited him inside.

"I'll be out in a few minutes. There's some water bottles in the fridge, feel free to sit where ever. And since we're off right now, you should take your mask off," I suggested, making my way to my bedroom.

I quickly changed into a light grey tank top, under a white tee-shirt, tucked into some khaki shorts, barely reaching halfway to my thigh. I glanced in my mirror for a moment, back at my behind. "And... A long cardigan, in case it gets cold," I thought to myself, humming a soft tune. I found a green cardigan, longer than my shorts, and threw it over my shoulders. I kept a small, over the shoulder bag, with nothing but my wallet inside. I did a quick spin for myself, and pumped my fists in the air. "Free drinks!" My mind raced, excited to go out, but mostly for free food.

I left my room to meet kitty in the living room, in clothes that looked to be somewhat casual, but still work ready. But when our unmasked eyes met, I had to look away, due to the burning on my cheeks. "I flickered back to my apartment to change, I hope you didn't mind," he said cooley.

"N- not at all. Maybe we should start with names?" I grabbed a pair of white shoes, sitting by my front door.

"The name is Tenzo. You?"

"I'm..." I thought for a moment, deciding whether or not to use a code name. "Meka," I nodded, thinking that my name was too risky. Or maybe I just wanted to piss him off.

"Nope. I gave you my real name, Hawk,"

"Okay, okay! It's (y/n), but don't call me that," I groaned.

"Why? (Y/n) is a beautiful name," he questioned. I glanced at the door, not caring to give an explanation.

"I meant hawk. Don't call me hawk," I corrected.

"Oh," his face grew flustered as he looked away. "Sorry, habit," he laughed, scratching the back of his neck. I shook my head, trying not to blush myself, his laugh is just so cute.

"Alright, Tenzo, we should probably head out now, right?" He just nodded as I opened the door, and followed him out. "So, have you found out who the last two are?"

"Nope. And I honestly don't care. I mean, wow, Chunin exams! It's not like we didn't see Sasuke and Gaara just a few years ago. This is nothing compared to that. Plus, we'll find out who passed by next week, you'll see," as we walked, Tenzo had his eyes closed, hands behind his head.

"Well, how about we skip them, then? Head straight to dinner, I'm not in the mood to watch two goons fight for nothing," I chuckled, looked back up at his face.

"Sounds good to me, where do you want to go?"

"Barbecue?" Tenzo nodded, leading the way to the nearest barbecue place. 

We were seated at a booth, right next to a window. Because the Chunin exams were still happening, the whole restaurant was still almost empty. "I guess it's a good thing we came early, this place will be packed in a little bit," Tenzo relaxed, sitting back in his chair.

"I wouldn't doubt it. When the waiter comes around, you order for the both of us. I'm indecisive when it comes to choosing what to order here," I smiled, slightly leaning forward. The waiter came back, took the order, and left. "You forgot the sake," I giggled.

"How old are you, again?" Tenzo glanced back at me. I grumbled in disappointment.

"Old enough," I rolled my eyes, even though part of me appreciated that he didn't order any. My mother would kill me if she found out, even though I'm only a year under age.

"And how old is that?"

"Twenty," I sighed.

"Exactly what I thought," he chuckled. I couldn't stop myself from smiling, ever so softly. He was thoughtful. Our order arrived in front of us. "Can we get a couple waters?" He asked the waiter, keeping his eyes on me. "And a half bottle of sake?" My lips twisted into a grin. The waiter looked at me, then back at my date.

"Sure thing, I'll be back in just a minute," she walked away.

"I thought-?"

"I asked how old you were, I didn't say I wouldn't get any," he nodded with his eyes closed.

"Wild. I think I like you, Tenzo," I looked out the window, seeing the sudden rush of people about to come inside. We both ate, silently listening to the conversations from the other customers. There were many moments where we both bursts into laughter, because of something someone else said.

Our drinks arrived halfway through eating. A little while later, after sharing the sake, and downing our waters, we left. It was dark outside already. The whole village seemed to be excited, after whoever won the last match.

"Now what?" I asked, looking up at the sky, the stars being extra bright tonight. My eyelids were heavy, and I felt over all, really, really, happy from the drinks. I stayed right next to Tenzo, holding onto his arm as we walked.

"Do you trust me?"

"Well, right now you seem wayyy less drunk than me, I didn't even drink that much, and I think you're in a more stable condition. So yeah, I trust you more than myself right now," I held his arm tighter, losing my balance.

He brought me to the top of the village, on top of the carved faces of the Hokage. We sat on the ground, side by side, gazing up at the stars, searching for something extraordinary. He suddenly pointed at the sky. We saw it at the same time.

"Shooting star, make a wish," he smiled, keeping his eyes on the sky.

I wish I hadn't been so shallow and accepted his offer without hesitation. I'm having a good time.

"What did you wish for, Tenzo?"

"Peace of mind, and for my team to stay safe," he looked at me and smiled. "You?"

"A gift of sorts. I don't think you'd get it," I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Hey, thanks for taking me out tonight, I had a lot of fun,"

"I'm glad. Maybe we can do it again sometime?"

"Sure thing, kitty,"

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