ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

Start from the beginning

   Akaashi was so spaced out in his mind that he didn't see someone running towards him pushing him hard. He was pushed aside and fell from the surprise impact. Following that was a loud thud and the yell of some one in pain. He turned around and saw something he wished he never saw. 

   no no No No NO NO WHY! IT SHOULDV'E BEEN ME! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAVE ME!  Akaashi thought and screamed in his head as he approached the figure stuck under the volleyball pole.


  You were putting away the net and noticed it was wobbling a little as you tugged it down. You rolled it up by yourself as the other girls went to clean the towels and put them away. You heard a creaking sound and turned around to see the big, metal, volleyball pole tilting. It wasn't just going to fall on the ground, no, it was about to fall on...KEJI!

  I'm sorry Keji, proabaly can't take you on that date if things go wrong  you thought as you sprinted towards him.

 You ran as fast as you could and with all your might. Some people turned to see what the noise of stomping and yelling was about but by then it was to late. You shoved Akaashi away and replaced him with you. You fell hard onto the ground smacking your head as the pole fell on top of you with a horrifying thud. The pain was un-imaginable and you quickly pass out from it and from the impact.

No one's POV 

   Everyone turned to the source of the noise. Everyone stopped and stood there seeing your body blacked out under the heavy metal pole. The pole had fallen on you in a way where part of it was laid across your back and mostly over your legs. one of your legs were visablly broken and the other probably broken but just showed the early stages of bad bruising. Your nose was bleeding and you had coughed up a bit of blood before you passed out. Akaashi was the first to snap out of it. Everyone looked at him. He had tears streaming through his eyes which shocked everyone taken that he never shows much emotion unless it come to Y/n.

   "HELP ME GET THIS OFF HER! COACH CALL 911!" Akaashi said as he and others helped to get the pole of your limp body. Akaashi held you ever so gently in his arms as if you were glass that could shatter any moment. You were breathing but very shallowly. 

   "It's gonna be ok. You'll be ok. Hang in there Y/n" Akaashi said to you but partly to himself. He was crying and holding on to you for dear life. Beside him was Bokuto who was also crying and worried. He comforted Akaashi until the ambulance arrived. 

   "Sir, we have to move her to the ambulance so you'll have to let her go. You can come with us into the ambulance if you want to" Akaashi understood and reluctantly let go of you. He followed them and waited outside the car until they had hooked you up and bandaged you and then her jumped in. He held your hand tightly. Coach Yamiji drove some of Y/n closest friends on the team with him to the hospital. Bokuto was still crying while Yukie and Koari tried to calm him down in the car. Akaashi was looking at your face as pale as can be. Your chest went up in down at an alarmingly slow rate and the nurses were working hard to keep you there. The bandaged up your head because it was bleeding from the impact of it hitting the ground. 

   A Few Hours Later (no Spongebob intended)

   Bokuto was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. Coach left to contact Y/n family of the accident. Yukie and Koari were letting all Y/n friends from school and Karasuno know as well. Akaashi he was quiet. Not like the reserved quiet but the almost deathly quiet. He was going through the incident over and over and over again in his head. I should have paid attention. I should have not let her push me. I should have let it fall on me. Not her. Not Y/n. No, don't take Y/n away from me. We...we finally were ok. We had finally moved past from he past and were happy. We were enough and now she's proabaly...now she's....

   "A-Akaashi? AKAASHI?! HEY ARE YOU OK!" Bokuto shouted kneeling in front of Akaashi. Akaashi had finally broke. He slowly leaned against the wall falling onto his knees on the ground. He tried to stop crying by covering his mouth but it didn't work. He was hyperventilating and crying and killing himself mentally. Akaashi put his hands in his hair and was shaking. Suddenly Keji stopped. Bokuto pulled him into a tight hug.

   "Akaashi, it's ok. I'm scared, were all scared but it's gonna be fine. I know Y/n. She's strong and is gonna fight. She knew what would happen and did it because she loves you ok? So don't blame yourself. We know Y/n wouldn't want that so relax." Bokuto helped Akaashi up giving him one last hug and sat him on the chairs with him. 

   An hour later the doctor opened the door. Akaashi searched the doctors eyes for an answer. He sure got on. Akaashi let out a silent breath and began to walk with Bokuto to the room. Yukie and Koari were passed out in the waiting room so they stayed behind. Bokuto squeezed Akaashi's shoulders reassuringly as they walked. Akaashi hesitated as he got to the door knob. He slowly turned it and saw you as tears began to fall from his eyes.

   AAAAAaaanddd I'll leave you on a cliff hanger! HAHA evil. But were his tears happy or sad? You'll have to come back to find out! Also, don't worry because this book is not close to finished yet so ♪ don't worry, be   h a p p y ♪ well if you CAN be happy after that chapter. I'm not crying you are!! Go listen to some lofi idk! See you soon! Have a safe quarantine! 

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