The Three Companions

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I casually walked past the healer's building, the tavern, and another unknown building, until I saw his rather large bald head. I gripped my cup closer, also tightening the grip on my blanket.

"Solas!" I called.

He whipped his head around and nonchalantly waved at me. He was staring up at the Breach. I felt bad for disturbing him and almost retreated when he encouraged me over with a gesture of his hand. I raised my hand to wave back, when my Mark sparked green, his eyes narrowed at the Mark. His features seemed to hardened and I almost turned away. Stupid Mark.

"Ah! The Chosen of Andraste. The blessed hero sent to save us all." I chose to believe he didn't mean it bitterly as his eyes slowly traveled back to my face.

I rolled my eyes at him as I approached. Snorting, I asked, "Am I riding in on a shining steed?"

Solas smirked as he replied, "I would have suggested a Griffin, but sadly they are extinct. Joke as you will, posturing is necessary." He walked a few feet away and turned his back on me. He was looking up at the Breach. I guess our joking was done. "I've journeyed deep into the Fade in ancient ruins and battlefields to see the dreams of lost civilizations." I followed him as he continued, "I've watched as hosts of spirits clash to reenact the bloody past in ancient wars both famous and forgotten." He stopped walking to look at me and remarked, "Every war has its heroes. I'm just curious what kind you'll be." I always forget how soft and monotoned his voice can be. Like a teacher teaching a class; makes you want to fall asleep.

But at least his conversation peaked my interest. I felt my brow furrow as I inquired, "What do you mean, ruins and battlefields?"

He chuckled as he elaborated, "Any building strong enough to withstand the rigors of time has a history. Every battlefield is steeped in death. Both attract spirits from Fade. They press against the Veil, weakening the barrier between our worlds. When I dream in such places, I go deep into the Fade, I can find memories no other living being has ever seen."

I'm sure disbelief showed across my face, because he smiled shyly at me. I shook my head and crinkled my nose. "You fall asleep in the middle of ancient ruins? Isn't that dangerous?"

He huffed to show his irritation, as if I was stupid to ask such questions. "I do set wards. And if you leave food out for the giant spiders, they are usually content to live and let live."

I glanced up at the Breach, imagining Solas sleeping in a cave just to... dream? It was definitely interesting, and it would give anyone insight on really happened in said ruins and battlefields. But giant spiders? No way would I be able to do that. "I imagine you find some amazing things in there... alongside all the demons." I added, trying not to imagine it all.

He nodded excitedly, as if I was finally starting to catch on. His eyebrows flew up so high, they were where his hairline should have started. "Exactly!" He exclaimed proudly. His eyes gleaming with excitement. "It is occasionally dangerous, yes, but more often its just sad to see what has been lost." He sighed, his face slowly going back to the calm he usually showed, and softly said, "The thrill of finding remnants of a thousand year-old dream? I would not trade it for anything." He smiled to himself.

I shook my head, confirming that he was crazy. Sleeping in ruins? Dreaming into the Fade purposefully? That was insane. The Fade was no place to mess with. It was a place of demons and spirits, and it held the Black City, the seat of the Maker. Nobody entered the Face purposefully. Other than myself, Tevinter Magisters were the last the invade the Fade. The Chantry claims they were thrown out by Maker himself and cursed. They became darkspawn, blood tainted, evil creatures, whom First Blight began. The fact that Solas wanted to enter the Fade via dreams, was bizarre.

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