Chapter 18: Another playdate

Start from the beginning

It seems perfectly normal for me at first but now that Rainbow has infected me with her dirty jokes, it somehow affected me too.

"Danm you, Rainbow!" I yelled in my mind, facing Rarity's mother afterwards.

"A-are you okay sweetie?" She asked in a worried tone.

I giggled and faced down. "Sorry ma'am, I just remembered somethin'."

"Well whatever it is made your cheeks turn red, do you have any crushes at your school?" She asked cheerfully.

"I.. Certainly no! I-I mean.." I panicked, denying her but she won't listen.

"Come on now Applejack, I have known you since you were just a little kid, I know something's bothering, you can tell me." She giggled after placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Now, who is it?"

I just froze up and panicked, still not knowing what to reply to her. Come to think of it, I never thought I will ever have a crush in my school..

But with my nervous idiotic self, I quickly thought of something to get out of th situation.

Lying usually isn't my trait but since I have no crushes at the moment, I need to tell her something or else she won't stop asking me.

"I-its.. A Rainbow haired B-boy at school.. Yeah, definitely real." I nervously lied.

"Danm it, what was that Applejack?!" I screamed in my mind as I forced a smile to Rarity's mother.

But seeing her all cheerful every time she sees me, really makes me happy. Since I never saw my mother nor my father, I thought of Ms. Crumble as my own.

Even though Im now 18, Granny Smith and Big Macintosh still won't tell me the real reason why Mom and Dad aren't back yet.

They kept tellin' me that they were leaving in Disney world now but I always knew that was a goddamn lie.

I just shook my head, getting rid of my thoughts to face Rarity's mom with a warm smile.

"Ihhh!" She shrieked in pure joy. "What's his name?!"

"I.. Its a secret?"

I dont know why told her 'my not real crush' had Rainbow hair like Rainbow Dash. I guess whenever the word crush was mentioned, she's always the first one to come up my mind.

I wonder why?

"I understand. But I dont wanna distract you from your little play date." She giggled and tapped my hair, walking to the kitchen afterwards. "Run along now, Rarity's waiting for you."

I just nodded my head in agreement and lastly waved my hand goodbye to her before walking upstairs.

Just holding the hand rail leading upstairs also made me recall the memories of me and Rarity chasing each other.

But when Rainbow joined us, she will always push me down the stairs, on purpose of course.

Luckily that idiot didnt break any of my bones back then since the staircase has some kind of fluffy cloth around it but I knew she was just messing around.

Ah this memoires, I wonder I we could recreate them again?

After I got to Rarity's room, I first took a deep breath, knocking in her doot with a shaking hand.

"R-rarity? It's Applejack!" I called.

But something seems odd, it sounds like she's laughing inside, but with who?

So I yelled her name again which made the girl laughing stop and gasp.

Seconds later, Someone finally opened the door, only for me too see Rarity who was holding a phone to her ear.

"Applejack Darling you came!" She squealed in joy after she ended her call.

"Heya sugarcube." I greeted, pulling her into a quick hug.

Rarity cheered and pulled me inside her room, locking the door behind us after. "Im so happy you came!"

"Heh, of course I couldn't say no to your invitation." I giggled while walking up to her same bed from 11 years ago, seating down afterwards.

"Sorry If I took to answer you at the door, oh wait did I took too long? Sorry I was caling someone!"

"Nah not at all." I started, Laying down to the side of her bed. "Who are you calling, sugarcube?"

"Oh just a dreamy man, but he's not important because you, my bestie, is here now!" She cheered as she twirled around, making her skirt to slightly go up enough to see her short shorts inside.

I just blushed and looked away. So I grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened it to check the time.

But when I saw 23 notifications coming from one person, I quickly clicked on it and saw Rainbow's picture that she sent. 

I saw that Rainbow sent me a picture of herself holding a cupcake with someone blurry behind her. 

"Hope your hungry, Apples ;)"

"Dash why are you texting me? Im kinda busy right now." I texted back.

"With Rarity? Yeah not for long."

"Okay what do you mean? And why is there some pink cotton candy behind you?"

"Oh its a surprise. Anyways, have fun with your friend." She lastly replied before going offline.

I just rolled my eyes and placed my phone to Rarity's nightstand beside me and turned my attention to Rarity. 

"Who are you texting with darling?" She asked after she unexpectedly jumped beside me. 

"Just an idiot." I answered with giggle and threw a pillow on her face. "So now that Im here, what do you want to in this playdate of yers?" 

"Well I was thinking of watching of a romantic movie with you and play hide and seek like we always used to do!" 

"Hide and seek? Rarity we ain't kids no more." 

"Bleh! Stop complaining please!" She said in a cute tone. "Pwease? Just for me?" 

I gently pushed her away and stand up from the bed, looking into her shining diamond eyes. 

"Sure.. I can never say no to you Rarity. But let me warn you, Im still goo-" I was cutt of when I we heard Rarity's mom calling her from downstairs. 

"Oops, hold that thought." Rarity stopped me before opening her bedroom door. 

"Someone's here to see you two!"

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