Chapter 9: Locked out

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"So who do you pick Applejack, me or her?"

I just stayed silent, still undecided about who to take home. I can't honestly pick between them, especially Rarity who was acting dramatically right now because she's drunk.

If I pick Ratity, I can save he from those f*ck boys on the streets. She's not wrong though, there are literally hundreds of boys that wants to touch and hurt her.

Rainbow on the other hand might have a chance of getting into an accident, its either with a car or another fight she'll make. I never seen her this upset, is it because of Rarity?

"Finally.. I decided."

I then took a deep breath before staring Rarity in her eyes, making Rainbow place her arm around me to help her stand up.


"Yes Darling?" She asked in excitement with a huge smile on her face.

"Im gonna take Rainbow home.."

Rarity's expression slowly changed when she heard I picked Rainbow instead of her. Her cute smile just turned into a shocked disappointed look.

"W-what?" She asked confused.

"Ah I said Im taking Rainbow home, I mean look at her." I started, gently lifting her up with my arms. "She cant barely stand up!"

"I-Im fine Apples.. Where are we again?" Rainbow chuckled in a drunk tone in her voice.

"See? She doesn't know where we are."

"But.. This is our first time to bond again! And you're choosing Rainbow who you spent your entire life instead of me?"

"Im.. So sorry Rarity but I need to help her, I can take you to the buss sto-" I was cutt of when Rainbow suddenly covered my mouth with her hand.

"Look Rarity, Applejack over here has been trying to get your attention for the whole day back at schools but you were too busy chatting with that Coloratura b*tch." She growled back, stuttering in some parts.

"Im just trying to be good friend to them Rainbow Dash! Your just drunk."

"No Rarity, you're the bad friend.."

"Okay!" I yelled after gently pushing Rarity away from Dash to break the fight.

I just pulled Rainbow and let her place her arms around me since she was about to loose her balance every time she tries to stand up on her own.

Rarity on the other hand looked upset and its making me feel guilty about it. But Rainbow's not wrong though, its true that Rarity was so busy with her other new friends.. But she looked so happy with them.

"Again, Im so sorry Rarity.."

"whatever Applejack.." She growled back while opening the new bottle of wine in table.

"Wait.. Your still gonna drink?"

"Is it obvious?"

Seeing Rarity uset like this makes me feel even more guilty. I still wanna be with her but Rainbow needs me the most.

"Look, I can take you to the nearest bus stop if ya like."

"No need, I can defend myself from any boy."

"You sur-"

"Yes Im sure Applejack." She interrupted before filling her glass with the wine.

"Oh okay.. Me and Dash are going back home, wanna go with us?"

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