Chapter 16: Leave me that quick?

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After me, Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow finally made it back to our friend's table, we were greeted by the others, pulling some of the available seats afterwards.

Since Rarity was still holding my hand in a insecure way, I lastly have her a warm smile before pulling the them seat in front for her.

She just giggled softly and placed her forehead on my back to hide her shy face from my new friends. Rarity usually isnt the shy type around others but I guess she's just actin' cute, as usual.

But before she could place her hand on the seat, Rainbow Dash suddenly rushed in and sat down in a hurry, placing both her hands behind her head to act her usual cool yet cocky self.

"Sorry, this seat's taken." Rainbow chuckled, placing her feet on the seat on her left.

"Rainbow you dumbass, that's Rarity's seat!" I growled back.

She giggled as she slowly removed her feet from the other chair. "I've saved you a seat next to me, no need to be angry."

"You jer-" I was cut off when I felt someone held my hand, making me look back behind me.

It was Rarity, she's putting on a weak fake smile to show herself being happy to the others. Knowing Rarity for so long, I know whenever her acts up.

Aside from her fake smile, I realized her other hand was formed into a fist as her grip on my shirt began to tigthen.

For others, they only see Rarity's good side whenever she puts up that fake smile of hers. But for me, Its all clear that she's angry, its either at me or Rainbow.

Rarity smiled. "Ehem, its okay Darling. I'll just seat beside- Uh.." She added after pointing at shy light pink haired teen.

"Fluttershy?" I started, following her gaze leading to teen in the end of the seat. "You sure? Me and Fluttershy can switch seats so we can seat next to each other.. Since Dash is being a complete jerk."

"No, no. Its fine Darling." She replied while slowly walking up to her seat. "Just seat next to your friend."

"She's actin' like an idiot. And I won't mind protecting you from any boys sugarcube, we all know they can't resist your beauty." I grinned, raising an eyebrow.

For me, it was only a compliment to make her laugh but instead it made her cheeks turn red again. I wonder why?

I guess she's just flattered, I've never complimented her this much before, it feels like Im flirting with her.. But I dont intend anything serious, right?

While me and Ratity stared into each other's eyes, my thoughts suddenly vanished when I heard Rainbow clear her throat.

"Ack, sorry dry throat." She coughed, but it sounded fake to me. "You suck a flirting Apples, you gonna take a seat or what?" She continued before taking a sip on her smoothie.

"First, screw you, idiot. Second, Can you chill? Im gonna seat right now." I laughed while covering my mouth when I felt my cheeks slightly burn from.. Her voice? No it must be embarrassment.

But something's really odd and its been botherin' me. Its how Rainbow act, she hasn't been the same when I saw Rarity. Sure she's still a jackass but she's even worse than before!

When I sat to the seat next to Rainbow, she immediately placed her arm around me while holding her smoothie with her other hand, causing me to let out a soft gasp.

"You should let me do all the flirting Applejack, you suck at it."

"Gee Thanks dumbass." I replied, turning my attention back to Rarity in the other side of the table.

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