Akamaru's Final Breath - Kiba x Veterinarian!reader

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) shook her head at the nurses, dismissing them from their nightshifts, although both of them stayed in the office, taking care of some nightly chores. Kiba didn't hold her back but continued to cry. She let him go on as long as he needed it. Her hands ran up and down his back, trying her best to calm him down.


"Yeah?" He replied through tears. She wiped his face with the sleeve of her jacket, then ran her fingers on his jaw, down to the tuft of hair growing on his chin.

"Let's get out of here. I'll have one of the doctors here take care of Akamaru, we can deal with that later," she suggested, keeping both of her hands gently on his cheeks. "We can go grab a drink or something. You should be any place but here,"


"Come on, let's go," she continued, grabbing his hands to stand. Kiba nodded following her out of the building. "Take care of the one in the back," she directed at the desk. Kiba stayed silent as they walked. "Where do you want to go?"

"Home." He huffed. (Y/n) glanced around for a moment before gaining a slight smile.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," he confirmed. "Just take me home,"

"Okay, okay," she slipped her hand into his, after going on a few dates, it had become normal, and comfortable. She dragged him back to his apartment. "Why is your door open?"

"I was in a rush," his voice stayed quiet, trying to refrain from crying again.

"Have you eaten yet?" She sat him on the couch, quickly joining him. Kiba shook his head and leaned on her shoulder. The sun was still slightly up, providing soft light. "I can order something if you want,"

"No, I'm okay," he groaned, further shifting himself closer to her.

"Alright. Everything is gonna be alright, Kiba," she comforted, putting her arm around his shoulders. The other hand running through his hair, making him gaze back up at her.

"Can you stay?"

"Of course I can," she pressed a light kiss to his forehead. Kiba found comfort in this, his lips twitching upwards at the corners.

"Thank you,"

"...yeah," the room fell quiet, Kiba closed his eyes, laying his head in (y/n)'s lap, where she could play with his hair. She sat there comfortably, staring out of the window, absent-mindedly stroking his hair.

After a few minutes, Kiba had fallen asleep. His soft snores brought (y/n) out of her spaced-out state. She smiled, before scooting away from him. He laid stirred in his sleep, finding a comfortable way to lay. (Y/n) crouched down to kiss his forehead. "Goodnight, Kiba," she sighed.

As she turned to walk away, Kiba grabbed her wrist, even in his sleep, then mumbled, "s-stay,"

(Y/n) giggled, but promptly laid next to him. "You big... Alright, come here," Kiba rolled onto his side, away from (y/n). She curled up around him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "You're so cute. I'll be here when you wake up," she held his hands around his waist. Her eyes closed, and soon, she too had fallen asleep.

The next morning came, (y/n) woke up before Kiba, but not too much, as she didn't move until he was awake, in fear of disturbing him.

"Morning," Kiba coughed slightly as morning air filled his lungs.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," (y/n) smiled, and unlatched herself from around Kiba. He swiftly turned back around, and before she was able to get up, grabbed her by the waist, and hugged her as close as he could. "Whatcha doin?"

"Cuddling," he grinned and pushed his face into her neck. "(Y/n), I really, really like you," he giggled.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem oddly cheery,"

"I'm fine," he took a deep breath into her neck, taking in her scent, memorizing the soft flowery smell.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I have a question,"

"What is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course. But seriously, after last night-"

"Oh. I..." He stopped talking, only just remembering what had happened. "I don't want to think about it," His hands were firmer around her waist.

"Sure, but if you need to,"

"I don't," he said again, now looking into her eyes.

"Okay Kiba. I believe you," she hugged him close and kissed his cheek. "I'll still be here,"

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