am i a lady or am i a rat // hyunlix

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felix wanted to make brownies for changbin.

the older hadn't been feeling so well recently, and kept cancelling on their plans, which felix totally understood. he hated hearing his boyfriend sick and struggling, so he wanted to do something special for him.

he didn't know how much desserts were going to help heal a sick person, but he knew changbin loved when he baked brownies. its okay, it's the thought that counts.

felix stayed up all night to make sure he could bake the best brownies he could, and even made some extra to give out to others.

the blonde had been over to changbin's apartment plenty of times, and even befriended the cutie at the front desk. he had quickly learned his name was bang chan and another australian like felix— something you don't see often in korea.

this time, he skipped over to the front desk to say hi to chan and make small talk. "hey hyung, how's it going?" felix asked with a smile.

"i've told you, you can call me chris," the older scolded teasingly, what brings you here today, lix?"

felix bounced eagerly, "i brought brownies for changbin cause he wasn't feeling well." he beamed, truly encapsulating the role of sunshine.

a unreadable look passed over chan's face, but was quickly covered with mock hurt as the older boy held a hand up to his chest, "and none for me? you're bestie?"

felix laughs at chan's antics, "of course i brought some for you!! what kind of bestie would i be if i didn't."

the energetic boy pulled the cloth around the extra batch of brownies and chan looked surprised that he he actually had more. felix passed a brownie over to chan, who accepted it gratefully with many thanks.

he took a big bite, and a look of bliss washed over his face, "mMm, lix this is really good!!" he moaned over exaggeratedly.

chris kept chewing happily, but his face began to crinkle as he continued to chew. his face slowly morphed into one of slight distaste.


felix let out a huff, "shut up changbin likes them."

chan squinted with his mouth curled up, "i knew i couldn't trust changbin."

felix laughed and said his goodbyes, beginning his journey up to changbin's apartment. he was excited to see changbin again after so long. he couldn't help it, he really missed the older. the fact that he was sick only made felix worry even more.

the freckled boy skipped over to the elevator, making sure the brownies didn't swing too much in his hand. he hand wrapped the container in one of his roommates cloths that he used for bundling items up (minho didn't know about this).

felix carefully wrapped the box with a cute baby pink cloth, knowing that changbin liked the colour a lot. jisung, his other roommate, had seen him do this in the early morning, and pointed an eyebrow at him.

they both knew that if minho found out, he would complain for centuries, but felix bribed jisung off with a brownie.

felix hopped into the elevator and went to press the button, but he saw a stranger speed walking towards him with a determined look on his face. felix, being ever so kind held the door open.

the stranger got closer, and felix could really see how attractive he was. his hair was long, blonde and tied up messily with thick lips and a mole under one eye. felix thought he looked insanely attractive, but slapped himself out of it 'you have a boyfriend, lee felix.'

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