i'll make this feel like home // jeonglix

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practice had been especially hard for felix today.

the dances were becoming harder and the bruises littered all over his legs weren't helping. he would always mess something up - be it a small stumble or a couple counts off.

it wasn't a good day.

the rest of the members understood the slump he was going through and were extra caring which the distressed boy appreciated a lot.

it was finally time to pack up and head back to the dorms after long hours of practice. felix was ready to take a steamy shower and fall into bed.

he followed those steps exactly until the actual sleeping part. the mistakes he made that day were running all around his mind, making it impossible to fall asleep. the silence of the dorm only added to the jumbled thoughts.

the tired boy made a final decision. he actually wanted to get sleep tonight and this was the only way he knew how.

felix walked over to his boyfriend's bed, trying not to wake up any other occupants of the room; he was glad the walk wasn't very far. after all, they share the same room.

"innie" felix whispered gently, he wasn't sure if the youngest was fully asleep or not.

relief washed over felix when jeongin made a sound of acknowledgement and turned to face the boy.

"can't sleep." felix continued.

jeongin seemed to understand exactly what he was getting at and lifted his covers up for felix to crawl into. the older followed, humming at the warmth of the comforter.

felix snuggled into the younger's arms and smiled unconsciously. ( no one expected felix to be the little spoon in the relationship, despite his constant need for affection. jeongin seemed more fitting.)

the elder rested his head on the other's chest, trying to get comfortable. their legs tangled together, pulling them closer together.

the younger leaned down to kiss the crown of felix's head, though he missed and got his forehead instead- not that either of them minded.

"go to sleep prince," jeongin mumbled, voice laced with sleep.

felix blushed bright red at the nickname, pressing his face further into the maknae's chest. jeongin smiled, he could feel the heat of the freckled boy's face through the thin material of his t-shirt. he decided that he was going to ignore it for now and tease him in the morning.

and so they fell asleep in each other's embrace.

chris almost shat his pants when he couldn't find felix in his bed or around the dorm. he knew he couldn't have been out because his bed was still unmade, a big pet peeve of the younger.

oh well the leader had thought, he trusted felix enough to not end up dying. what's the worse that could happen?

everyone had known felix was cuddly, that's a fact. when he acted clingier to jeongin they all brushed it off and thought it was because he was their cute little maknae that everyone clung onto at some point.

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