i make you say wow // seunglix

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felix just wanted to do something nice for him and his girlfriend, but sitting here while he's the only one paying attention, doesn't feel nice at all.

for the past few months, felix had slaved away at his part time job to earn enough for 2 decent seats at a sports event. the boy wanted to surprise his girlfriend with it, but he got too enthusiastic and it accidentally slipped out.

hyejin seemed genuinely happy that felix would do such a kind thing for her, but it didn't seem like she was excited at all now.

it's not like he was forcing this date on her or anything. he had brought her on a wide assortment of dates from movie nights to fancy dinners (these being her favourite), but felix wanted to do something he liked this time.

but here they were, at the game, and hyejin was on her phone the whole time. sure, she didn't have to enjoy the watching but the least she could do was pretend. hell, felix even put up with his fur allergy to spend time at cat cafés with his girlfriend. multiple times.

even at times where a really cool play happened and felix turned his head to hyejin excitedly to gush about it, she would turn away or nod mindlessly.

finally, felix had enough, "hye, are you not having fun?" he asked, eyes set to puppy dog mode without realising.

hyejin put on a fake smile, "i don't know, what made you think i would like sports?" her smile dropped towards the end of her sentence as her voice turned icy.

felix flinched and fiddled with his fingers, "i just wanted to change it up y'know? we always do what you want to do, but never care for what i wanna do. that's all," he voiced quietly, words shy.

"yongbok," hyejin started exasperatedly and felix cringed at the use of his korean name, "why change it up when what we were doing before was working."

felix, wanting this whole situation to be over, agreed reluctantly, "oh, okay. i'll remember for next time." and with that sentence he gave her a fake smile and looked back at the game, albeit more deflated this time.

hyejin clicked her tongue and continued to scroll through her phone.

from there on, felix never bothered to turn to hyejin again, or pay any attention to her at all for that matter. he didn't like being petty or fighting with anyone, but this time he gave in to it.

time ticked by quite slowly as felix found it hard to enjoy the rest of his time with the ball of negative energy beside him, but finally, the halftime break was issued and felix sunk into his seat.

he was ready to risk it all and just leave at this point. 'i can just work harder to make up for the money spent' felix thought to himself sadly.

his thoughts were interrupted by cheers from the crowd. the traditional kiss cam was happening. felix would've left by now, but he was intrigued about what would happen next. he'd always seen these on tv, but never experienced one in person.

the first couple ended being siblings that looked absolutely horrified to be presented on screen together. they madly signalled an x symbol with their arms while mouthing siblings profusely. to that- the crowd laughed wholeheartedly.

the next pair was an elderly couple. they both looked so delighted to appear on screen and didn't hesitate to share a quick kiss that the audience aww'd at.

felix was excited to see the last couple before finally leaving the uncomfortable situation they had created. when he looked at at the screen his jaw dropped.

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