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Assalamu alaykum wa rahamtu Allahi taalaa wa barakatuhu

Peace be upon you everyone

I may dedicate the chapters to my friends/people who helped me. However, I'd like to dedicate the whole story to:

1. People who used to live in Syria and had to leave it because of what's happening there. I just wanted to apologize if some humans can be so heartless, emotionless and apathetic sometimes (if not for a whole lifetime unfortunately).

2. All the dead martyrs who died defending their land, religion, values and beliefs in general (especially muslims).

3. All those who are still struggling to make this world a better place, who may be behind the bars getting tortured excruciated or outside...

4. People in Egypt, Lybia, Yemen, Tunisia,... who can die to taste the sweetness of freedom after the Arab spring.

5. Muslims all over the world, especially the oppressed ones like those in Burma, Palestine,... And many other places.

I know my words cannot express how much you all struggle and fight for what's right and that this story can never describe the amount of sadness, fear and all the sad feelings Syrians felt but I guess it's worth a read and a feedback.

P.s. Keep the humanity in your prayers since it's failing miserably.

Hope you enjoy and comment telling me what you think in sha Allah.

~ ghareebah

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