Is The Past Repeating?

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Jimin POV

I was walking home with Tae when I got a text from Jungkook. I smiled at his text.


Hey beautiful!
Are you free today?


I am free after 5.
I am going to your house to finish my homework with Tae. So we can meet there?


Sounds like a plan😉

I brushed at his last text. Tae smirked at me knowing the reason for my happiness. We talked all the way to his home about random things. We were talking about how it is speculated that Red Velvet will be disbaned in January 2021.

We reached his house and I must say I was disappointed by not seeing Jungkook's bike outside the house. We entered the house and Mrs Kim was already running towards us with a smile. She hugged me and ignored Tae who just snickered at his mom tactics. She patted my back and greeted
"Aiigoo jimin-ah, you are looking so beautiful today".
I blushed again.

Tae drag me upstairs to his room after some minutes.

"If it was possible my mom would have already married you with Jungkook. She loves you more than me".
Tae confirmed.

I giggled. And my mind was again filled by jungkook. It's like I can't take him out of my mind. Everything reminds me of him.

I and Tae started to complete our work as it was soon going to be our final exams. And then we will both go to college! I can't wait to go to college with Jungkook on his bike.
I quickly slapped my head and continued concentrating on my studies.

I think me and Tae were too observed that we didn't notice the time. It was already six in the evening.

I stretched and relax my joints.

I then remembered I was going to meet Jungkook an hour earlier. Fearing that he was waiting for me downstairs. I quickly dashed down the stairs and to the living room but didn't see him.

I saw Mrs Kim exiting the kitchen so I questioned her
"Uhh....aunt, did Jungkook hyung came home?"

She gave me a sad smile and I knew what was coming "he still hasn't come home jimin ah".

I just nodded at her and walk back upstairs.

Tae was now on his bed. I walked to his desk and started to keep my books inside my bag when he throws a question at me "you already going?"
I nodded in response.

He sighed and said
"Jiminie don't feel down. He will come back home. And when he does I will tell him how mad you are at him".

"I am not mad just worried."
I whispered.

He smiled at me and remarked
"He really doesn't deserve you."

I just shake my head at his statement. I don't think we are anyone to say who deserves who. I think it's all destiny.

We hugged and then he walks me to his door. I walked to my home. It is only five to ten minutes of work. I was still worried about jungkook. So I decided to message him.


Where are you?

I didn't get a reply as I expected but I was positive that he will reply to me when he will see the message. I reached the home and yelled, "I am home".
I walked to mom and kissed her cheeks in greeting. She told me to go and get fresh.

I walked to my room and quickly changed in some comfortable clothes. I again checked my phone for a reply.
But got none.

I walked downstairs to my mom. We both talked about our days. And the rest of the day went in a blink. We had dinner; me, mom and dad. It was a normal day. I went to my room and decided to study for an hour or two.

After an hour I got a message. I got excited thinking it was jungkook but it was not

Alien soulmate👽:

Jungkook came home.
He is not in a good mood.


Did he tell you anything?
He still has not replied to my messages.

Alien soulmate👽:

I am too scared to go anywhere to him rn.
I don't wanna die today.
I have to marry yoongi one day.


I thought you were going to give him a piece of your mind about ignoring me.
What happened to that?

Alien soulmate👽:

I think jiminie you should go and check with an ear doctor.
You are hearing things that I never said.


Yeah, whatever.
And I am going to tell yoongi hyung about your dream related to him.

Alien soulmate👽:

I hate you.


Glad to know.
Feelings are mutual.

We didn't talk to each other after that. I think Tae must be worried about me and Jungkook. But I am we will be fine.
I waited all night for Jungkook's reply but never got one. The fact that broke me more in the morning after my one hour nap was that my messages were seen but there was no reply.

Is he started to distance himself again from me?
But we were fine till yesterday.



What do you think, does Jungkook deserve Jimin?

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