An unexpected comeback!

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Jimin POV

Okay so saying I was shocked must be an understatement. Scratch that it is the biggest understatement.

Kim jungkook was standing in front of me being a hot mess I must say. But that's not the point here. After the whole freaking two years, he is here standing in front of me. Didn't he remember how he humiliated me at that party? Did he not want his so-called freedom? And what about not informing me that he was flying to America?

But he still makes my knees weak. He looks so handsome and mature.

No jimin you can't just give in.

Remember the hurt he gave you. The whole year after he just left me here alone was hell for me. So many sleepless nights. My marks keep failing. If it was not for Tae, hyungs and my parents I would have failed my school last year. That much impact he has on me.

Tae was practically living with me because he thought I may slip in depression. But I was not so weak. And I am not gonna just give in my feelings, this time I will fight with my feelings. I will stand up for myself.

I can't let those two years failed when I used to chant that I don't love him anymore like a mantra. My truck of thoughts was soon stopped by a velvet husky voice.
"Can we talk?"

"That's not on the menu and we are close for today."
I snapped at him. Yes, take it.

But then I remembered I was still on the floor. I blushed in embarrassment. Why I always make a fool of myself in front of him. I promptly stand up and dust my clothes. I was now in the eye to eye contact with him.

He looks.......yummy.


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As soon as he was going to say something jake was coming out of the kitchen. I turned and looked at him.

"Hyung, I am done with the kitchen. Are you done with the bulb?"
He inquired but soon his attention was on Jungkook.

But Jungkook was frowning. What is his problem?

"Ah yes, I am done with it. But I would have appreciated if you would have done the bulb task and let me handle the kitchen."
I gave jake my famous pout.

He laughed loudly "aww hyung you are not that short."

"Thank you" I appreciated him with my eye smile.

"In fact, you are the shortest."
He chuckled.

This brat. Before I can give him a piece of my mind we were soon grabbed by a coughing voice. Jake walked beside me and educated Jungkook "sorry sir, but we are close for today."

If looks could kill then Jake must have been dead by now.

If looks could kill then Jake must have been dead by now

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Jake didn't look scared or anything for that matter. He grabbed my wrist and soon jungkook eyed his hold on my hand.

"I will drop you hyung."
He suggested and I nodded at him. I don't want to face jungkook right now so it will be better to go with jake.

I run my eyes all around the cafe for the last check and was satisfied.

Me and Jake walked out of the cafe and soon Jungkook pursued our steps. I locked the cafe securely. And put the keys in my back pocket of the jeans. Heeseung has the real key so we don't have a problem here.

Jake never unfold his hold from my wrist and Jungkook was observing us from behind. I can feel his stare at me and sometimes on my ass. Pervert.
I believe jake thought jungkook was some type of stalker as he walked me all the way to home, making small talks with me but never once questioned about Jungkook.

Why can't I fall for someone like Jake? Why I have to fall for the jerk walking or more like stalking behind me.

There was a bunch of questions in my head. Why was he here? But then his scholarship period had ended so I assume I know that answer. But why he was there! Did he know that I work there? And till when he is here? Is he going back?

Okay! Okay! Stop park jimin.

His life should not matter to you.

Soon me and Jake were standing in front of my main door. He bid me goodbye and I wished him goodnight in return. I notice jungkook walking towards home.

I guess he didn't know I was working at that cafe.

But as soon I entered my home I was soon snatched like a cheetah by Tae. He is such a dork. I was not used to his alien behaviour. It was adorable if you ask me.

"what? and no I am not going on that double date," I speak first.

"Fuck the double date. Jungkook is back! And no I didn't know that earlier, I was in my room when mom was dancing around home happily and then I saw him in the living room with all his luggage." He finished in one breath.


"I already met him," I noted.

And his expression was priceless. His mouth hung open and wide eyes. He was looking at me so stunned that one second I was apprehensive that I said something wrong.

But before I questioned him he was dragging me to my room upstairs. He is a cheetah. He was dragging me as his life depends on it. I guess it does?

When we reach the safety of my room. Tae was quick to envelop me in a big hug. He knows me too well sometimes. More than I know myself. It should scare me but it don't. I let him have his moment. He must be worried about me. He was there when I was at my lowest in those two years.

To be honest, the first year was shit or more like starting five to six months but then I was quick to get up with some comfort and help of my closed ones. I love them to the core.

"I am fine tae tae."

"Don't give me that crap. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now.".

"Confused? Shocked even. But confused for the most part."
I answered him truthfully.

He hummed at started to asked me a question that at this moment took my breath away.

"You want to know why he is here right?"

I nodded in a way of silent answer.

He pushed me on the bed and was quick to sit beside me and hugging the hell out of me.

He started "his scholarship had ended as you must have guessed. And he decided to take a job here instead of America. And yes he is going to live here only but not sure with us or he will buy his own apartment or something. But for now, he will live with us I guess. That's all I know chim."

We were in complete silence thinking about the possibility of things happen future. But our delicate silence was disturbed by both of our phone's notification for a message.

I think me and Tae had got the same message and from the same person.

And oh boy I was right.

Mrs Kim :

We are having a welcome party for Jungkook tomorrow. It starts at 8 pm and you are requested to join. It will be a small reunion with friends and family. Hope you attend it.

I am going to sleep now.
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