We Should Talk

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Author Note•

So yesterday I published an introduction to my new book, it was a glimpse. I will publish the chapters altogether after finishing the chapters which will take some months.
But within 13 minutes I unpublished it😅 because I got so insecure.

Just here to say that, you are perfect the way you are 💜



I think I went too far this time.

The hurt expression I saw when I said I will push him away if he kissed me kill me inside. Of course, I didn't mean that I was meant to tease him but he took it seriously. I sighed while laying on the bed.

If you are wondering, it is Monday today and I just reached my room after finishing college. I don't have to work today as Heeseung informed I did extra shift yesterday and that I need to have enough sleep and take a rest.

But my mind, heart and soul are not at rest.

I want to go to his house and explain to him that I didn't mean that. But if he asked me why I said that then? What I would answer, that 'oh I was just playing hard to get Jungkookie hyung'. I pouted at the limited options in front of me. I don't know what to do. But then I don't think I want to continue this hard to get act longer.

I mean if I keep doing it we will never reach anywhere. If we want to work this out we have to try but we are not. Or more like I am not letting him. We have to talk about our past and open up ourselves to each other. No doubt I enjoy the teasing and all this but what if he gets annoyed and moved on? After he arrived here he has made his intentions very clear.

Jungkook loves me.

I huffed and soon tears were rolling down my cheeks. I hate it that I don't know what should I do. When I should I stop my hard to get act? What Jungkook has to do to convince me because I am already convinced by him.

I cleaned my face with my long sleeves and decided that it's not about what others think. I already trust him and that he loves me. I love him a lot too. The amount of pain that I had suffered he had suffered too even tho he is the one to make the mistake. If I let him go now it can be that I will never get him back.

Gazing at the clock sitting on my study table I saw it was just ten minutes past 4:30 pm. I walked downstairs and locked the main door. Both mom and dad have gone to a wedding today.


I am going to Tae house.
I had locked the door. I will be fine.
Enjoy your time.
Love you.

I informed mom and broke a run to Tae house. I can't let him go because of my stupidness. I can play hard to get after I tell him that I want him back too. I will make him my slave for a whole week and make him worship me too.

I reached his house in five to six minutes. I knocked on the door rapidly and after some minutes Jungkook was standing in front of me. I was breathing heavily due to the run I just take. He was looking surprised and worried both at the same time.

"Jimin? Are you fine? Did something happen?" He inquired by looking me up and down looking troubled.

I smiled at his caring behaviour.

"Can you tell me why you are in this condition and why the hell are you smiling?" He yelled and pull me inside the house. He closed the door behind me and started to check my wrist and face.

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