⭐7: Peace And Chaos

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Morning sun shown through the cracks between the closed indigo colored curtains, which covered the large glass window. The room lit dimly by the little to no light, but was clearly wide enough, walls in the color of gunmetal blue, with the cieling a black color, decorated with glow in the dark planets and stars, giving it a space feel. A queen sized bed at one corner , far from the door, that looked like it was pulled out of a palace, with prussian blue covers over a sleeping female. Beside the bed were dark oak cabinets, and bedside lamps. to the right of the bed was a built in bookshelf, adorned with vines made of silver and crystal Dortmund roses, giving the bookshelf a fanatasy look. The bookshelf filled with books was accompanied by a study table, made of the same material as the small cabinets beside the bed. Notes, paperworks, photos, journals, coloring material, and pens littered it in an orderly manner and a laptop and headset over it. Atop the study table was an overhang shelf, the brackets custom made of platinum, were molded to seem like tree branches. Diamond shaped crystals attached to silver chains hanging on the tree branch, appearing like dropplets, gave the overhang a matching fantasy design as the bookshelf. The rest of the room was ornamented with all the other bedroom furniture, and a telescope by one corner, across the door. 

A knock reverberated on the oak door before it opened. The male entered the room, freshly out of the shower. He wore a maroon hoodie, over with some light grey sweat pants and a pair of fuzzy tan colored slippers covering his barefeet. His blonde curls pushed back with a headband, preventing it from messily covering his freckled face.

He strode towards the sleeping black haired female, who seemed too peaceful to be disturbed. The comforter over her moved along the rythmn of her breathing as  her eyelids closed on her pale face. The blonde male sat down on the side of the bed and brushed a strand of hair that covered the female's face. A smile placed on his lips as his fingertips found way to her cheeks before he pinched him playfully; earning a groan from the sleeping human.

"Wake up, Sea. Its already 8:30. I cant have you sleeping all day despite there being no classes." Cleiv chuckled as he shook her awake. However, such attempts failed to awaken Kara from her slumber as another groan left her before she pulled the prussian colored comforter and turning away from the young male.

The freckled male laughed at her stubborness and tried another attempt to wake her; only this attempt would ensure her to awoke. He shifted his posistion before pouncing on her sleeping form, guaranteeing that she cant escape whatsoever. Both his hands attacked her waist and tickled her; finally able to wake her up with gasps and whining for him to stop.

"CA! S-Stop! Ack--" Kara yelled as she struggled to escape fromher assailiant, however, her struggles proved no worth as his hand continued to attack her with more tickles. "Since you didn't want to leave the bed, I'm not letting you." He said in a matter-of-a-factly  tone as he resumed assailing her with more tickles until she was left breathing and wheezing heavily. Cleiv stopping on his assult and sat on her legs as she catched her breath and even her heartrate to normal.

Kara raised her eyesight to Cleiv; her ocean blue orbs looking into mismatched ones. "Been long since I last seen those mismatched eyes. I missed them." She spoke out loud.

Cleiv had heterochromia that developed when he was a child. Pale green eyes for his right eye, and his left being a pearl gray color. When he had arrived in Pollaris Constell he had covered his left eye completely, hiding his pearl gray eye. Having heterochromia was something that he and Kara shared, with her only having sectral heterochromia for her right eye; being barely visible.

Kara forcibly shoved Cleiv to the side, rolling and falling off the side of he bed with a thud and a moan driven from pain. Kara snickered as she scooted off the bed and standing over Cleiv. "Thats for disturbing my slumber, you scalawag." Kara remarked as she slightly leaned forward. Cleiv took the oportunity to make her lose her balance by kicking  her feet. The action succesfully made her lose her balance and fall forward onto him, and she made sure he gained more pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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