⭐5: The Ram

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"So, you're the new girl? Such a pleasure to meet someone new in this repeative school life." The male said with a sarcastic tone of voice. Kara eyed him with curiousity, if her predictions, observations were right, she might be meeting someone ambitious. Someone who could be a workaholic of somesorts.

Eyeing him head to toe, the male had simple features. He had tan skin, which matched his light brown hair(much like a ochre color) which was slicked back . His eyes were amber in color and looked like he was pulled out from a werewolf teen fiction. Kara could already tell this boy was smart despite his playboy look because of the rectangular glasses hanging on the colar of his shirt and the way he talked arrogantly

He simply wore a white shirt with one button undone, matched by his black slacks and a Bruno Magli Martico Cap Toe Leather Derby as his footwear. He looked rather formal for someone in senior high. It made him look more mature and leader-like.

Kara sat down on her respective chair, right beside the male as he had occupied Cleiv's for time being. Kara returned the smile and never spoke whatsoever. She had a gut feeling that this new person would a start a conversation anyways, and she didn't get wrong when he did speak again, "Lets start by introducing ourselves. I'm Blaize. Blaize Xander Vhon Gohn. Blaize Gohn for short."

When Blaize offered his hand out, in which Kara took stating her name. Instead of a handshake, the ochre colored hair male brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle and soft kiss on top it. Bewildered, Kara Felisea's face flushed pink, and was taken notice by the rest of group. "A pleasure meeting you, ms. Calei."

In the background, Chris was chuckling and giggling as he ooh-ed at how Kara flushed pink at the shock of having her hand kissed in a gentlemanly way. Cleiv, who stood beside her, was not upset, but not pleased either. Sylenna was humming a romantic tone as if she was going for a romance movie scene. Kara could already feel the gazes of the rest of the class.

When Blaize let go of her hand, he gave her a smile and a chuckle. "Well, since its almost time for class, I suppose we'll end our conversation here."

He stood up and straightened his attire and strode to the door, although before leaving, he turned his head to look at Kara, and spoke once more, "Ms. Calei, I'd like to have a chat with you again, care for lunch later?"

Gasps and mutters filled the classroom, shock in and disbelief in most of everyone's faces. Astonishment was written onto Chris, Gale, and Sylenna's faces, as displeasure wrote onto Cleiv's. Kara's mouth was agape, but recovered and nodded nonetheless. After Blaize left the classroom, the entire class' attention went straight to Kara. A majority of them started asking questions.

Jean Christian exclaimed to Kara with glee and astonishment, "Kara, I cant believe he asked you to lunch!"

"What do you mean? Doesn't he ask you to lunch?" Kara asked, raising an eyebrow at the curly haired male.

"Sea, he never, and I repeat, never asks any of us to lunch unless we invite him. He only ever stays stuck in the library the entire time of lunch, or even free time." Cleiv states, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, Kara. And this is the first time he ever invited someone, much less a stranger to him, to lunch." Sylenna added.

Despite that, Kara Felisea Calei remained unfazed by the situation a simple invitation caused. However, she did wonder why the male named Blaize would ask her out for lunch. A big question was, where did Calisto run off to? As what she heard from everyone else, Calisto was the type to mostly never miss a class. Why now, though?

While contemplating, she asked Cleiv where had the raven haired boy went, in which was replied with a simple, and still questionable answer, "No one knows, Sea. He does this everytime, so... Just get used to it, I guess." Kara cant help but feel unease and wonder. She knew from day one that Calisto was a mysterious man, afterall she was very observant.

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